About Farm Girl
Joined February 2009
I am 56 years old, and we have raise 6 children. It has always been a struggle, but we both worked. I had to quit and go on disability, with no retirement (I have late term Lyme disease). Now my husband is on disability because of heart failure. Well things are going to get better with this program!
I love to garden, play with my dogs, cook, bake and can thing out of my garden. I also have a flower garden. I sew, crochet, and knit, but sew the most. OH, we also have horses, I love to drive them, but mostly in the summer. I am not a cold weather person.
I am now spending a lot of time on the internet, learning a new skill. Internet Marketing. I really need it to work or we will lose our farm. So I WILL make it work! I'll take any advice you have for me. Would love to meet some friends, and someone else who is just starting, or started recently, and is making some money. We don't need the millions, just a supplement income, but I wouldn't mind. Farm Girl
P.S. The last 4 pics are in memory of our son David who died 6/5/06. He was only 16 but built the cabin, was a horse trainer, and a cabinet builder. He is missed very much, but enriched everyone's life he touched. If we can have as much passion for what we do as he did we would all be successful!
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eve Premium
Hi Sandi - welcome to WA. Having been completely overwhelmed when I first started, I have now just completed the 8 week plan, but not put anything into action yet! Still reading the wealth of other info in the forums. Not understanding the terminology used here held me back at first. If you click on my picture, you will find a link to glossary, and also wikipedia, top right on the dashboard here. Although I have taken a lot longer than others to take in all the info, I now feel a lot wiser and confident enough to start putting it all into practice soon. You will feel the same if you steadily work through the 8 week plan. One thing is certain, this has given me a new lease of life and a real sense of achievement, even if I do still have a long way to go. The forum members here are very generous with their support. I wish you every success and I am sure you will reach your goals.
farm girl Premium
Hi everybody, Well, I am finally starting!! Boy has this been scary! I even clicked the panic button twice!! But now I am GOING to do this. The pics are of the things most important to me my family, and our farm. We are both on disability, so money is soooo tight. I had to find something that worked the first time. Well, I kept coming back to Wealthy Affiliate! So I hope the program works. Sandi
farm girl Premium
Well, I've been learning this for over a week! Spending a lot of time online. It's still overwhelming, but I think it's getting better. Trying to learn how to use Rubix, and find a product that I can honestly promote. I love dogs, so I think I am going to start with pets, but I am really into alternative medicine, maybe later.
farm girl Premium
Well, I just keep on going! I'm going to get this down yet! I have a Squidoo page and a web page, though I think I need a different domain name. Well, I'll learn as I go I guess. Just happy to have done something! Now I have to create the blogs, and whatever else it says. I do it as I read it, but I am still doing!!
Squidmann Premium
we have raise 6 children!!! ooooh my G...:-) i have one and she alreadt makes me CRAZY!
wish you success with your IM business!
c ya, David
Squidmann Premium
hi Sandi, thank you for liking my lens:-)
Amazon is a module you can find in the FIND MODULES featchure in the right top of your lens!
the products are comming from www.cj.com there you find these kind of products and many more outdore stuff!! hope this helped you a litle bit! wish you success! David
Squidmann Premium
hi Farm Girl, did you go to commissionjunction.com ? they have alot of physical products! go there and become a member! then you look for the companys or products you like to promote, sign up to them and start to promote! now go to cj.com sign up, and when you get approved e-mail me and i help you find your products:-)
farm girl Premium
Hi, Don't worry, when the 2nd one gets old enough to play with the 1st, they will keep each other busy. Good luck with your IM. I'm working hard at it, but haven't started any campaigns yet. Can't seem to figure out Squidoo. I see you are doing trout fishing how's it going? I'm going to check out your ad. Vn is one place I would like to visit, if it is safe. I had a lot of friends in the war. Best wishes, Sandi
farm girl Premium
Wow, Your squidoo page is GREAT! How did you get to use Amazon? And I know all those products didn't come from clickbank. That's the problem I am having. I can't seem to find a product on clickbank. Great work, Sandi
farm girl Premium
Hi David, How long have you been internet marketing, before you joined WA? I am just feeling lost. I have tried to go to any of the other sited, besides Click Bank, because I would like to promote and actual product. But, I keep hitting a dead end. Can you offer any other advice? Thanks, Sandi
farm girl Premium
Hi David, Well I got started, but with clickbank. I couldn't figure out commission junction sign up. I'll get there though, I have a squidoo page and a web site. Now to get traffic. I'm working on that. And I hope to get more products, and do a better job. I definitely have a lot to learn. Sandi
RJSpindle Premium
Thank you for the gold! I don't know what I did to deserve it, but I hope it was worth it. I'll be sure to pay it forward.