Tips on How to Write Good Articles

Last Update: December 07, 2010

Sharing some tips of what I learned on writing good articles.

  • Make sure you’ve an idea of what you intend to write before attempting writing the article.
  • To get ideas, you must read widely – from books, magazines and online article directories. Source for the best writers and learn from them.
  • Be observant. Look around, keep your mind open to think and search for new ideas. Make it a way of life to feed your mind with ideas as in feeding your body with food.
  • Write from a reader’s perspective and share with them something new and fresh.
  • Use plain simple and concise English to make reading easy for your readers.
  • Let your words allow the readers to have a feeling of seeing what you are describing.
  • After writing, go through and edit it a few times before publishing.
  • Check and verify the facts in article are correct.  Accuracy in article is important to build up your credibility as an expert author.
  • Keep on learning and writing to hone your skills.  In no time, you'll be surprised at yourself.

Hope these tips are helpful.


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