Any time

Last Update: February 24, 2012

I hate to bitch but, I am reallly get sick of seeing zeros where numbers should be day after day after day..I seem to be ranking for many pages and number 4 on first page for main kw...sounds good right...

I have seen myself come up the first page for main kw and considered this to be a good thing, no better at 4 than 10, so far....willl it get better, I would think so..I hope so....

I have worked on my site trying many different things and one time the traffic that I did get I had no CTR or very few...have made major changes with my site....increase in CTR, almost immediatly...still no real traffic, some not much...some days 10 some day 30 soome 3..that type of thing....making me happy that I tackled the low CTR and made it better...sounds good right....

I write 2-4 articles 5 days a week and link them all over creating "llink juice"  it is workiing page rank has moved from PR0 to PR1 good thing right.... and moving slowly up for main kw....even for the plural on second page 11-12 not bad still needs to move to page one, working on it...I rank for many titles and blogs, still little traffic....checked somoe jof my blogs and the titles actually have monthly traffic.....I even rank fair for different spellings of my main kw...working on one or two strategys, they seem to be working...still not bringing in alot of traffic.....

I am baffled....when nothing was working because I was doing it wrong I understand how nothing much that I am tracking my hits, I can see what folks are doing and the CTR is actually quite high for a percentage..20-25%  great right..................Some good CTR for the low amount of traffic...the site must doing something right yes........I have visitors going to my affilate site, that was my goal right..............

I have even done some social bookmarking, google+,twitter...I get a surprising amount of people going to my blog...not many comments 8....reddit, delicious, social bookmarking.....cannot really tell if it has done anything for me or not.....I have had various hit coming from reddit at first since nothing...of course I have articles in SA and 3-4 other directories pointing to main site and beyond..articles and blogs..same main kw..

Still working at it still having the faith, slowly startinig to slip, really need to keep the faith and keep on trucking...getting harder everyday to stay positive. 

I am now done hoo for me...My time will will yours....

Sometimes day are harder than others.......................... 

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Labman_1 Premium
Yeah, what Kyle said.
kyle Premium Plus
Online business is like fishing, you can either fish in a small pond that you don't know, or you can fish within the open waters where you know there are fish and you see others catching fish. I guess understanding the terrain of the land is critical as well, and if fishing is your passion, that is a good start. It just needs to be reflected within your need to create yourself as a respected source of fishing information. That should be the goal.

Also, if you are getting rankings, you can approach local fishing companies and offer them ad space on your site or offering your "fish site SEO services"...just another thought. Do know that what you are learning now is not going to waste.

There are several things that Carson and I work on throughout the year that take an ENTIRE year to see any results from. It is that perseverance that will lead to success.
Labman_1 Premium
You need to try different bait to catch different fish. Talk to the experts to find the good fishin' holes. Use the tools available to sound the depths. Best of all, enjoy the experience, crack open a cold one and enjoy the day.