Ranking Your Pages

Last Update: August 01, 2012
I have a good handle on how to get my main page up the rankings with a good combination of quality content, relevant backllinks (more natural the better) article directorys, bloggs, forums, and such...good SEO optimization an a good combination of a good kw phrase and synonms get the google look...it has been working for me as of late.....

Getting my first page up the ranks, but I seem to lack getting my internal pages ranked.....

So what am I not doing or doing wrong....?

This is my stradegy that I am going to start putting into motion, it goes something like this:
  • relevant article-anchor text-link to interior page
  • social bookmark more interior pages
  • check SEO on each page inlcuding kw use

These are at least 3 things that I will be trying to increase my interior page rankings...

Is this in the right direction?
Will this work?
Is there another way to rank internal pages faster
will linking internaly help this along?

Now some pages that I would like to rank for( would we all not want all pages ranked high) are review pages and other pages are actually just product pages, will there be a difference for each page type???

If someone could shed some light on this that would be great...Like I mentioned I am getting half the picture or maybe 3/4 wanting and needing to go the extra mile and get all pages ranking....Is it possible and how do I, we, do it.....

Thank you...
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Denisara Premium
waiting for results too...
fishing Premium
Just statred on my stratedgy we will see where it takes me.....I will post in time...I fiqure at least a month or so....we will see.....thanks Denisara
Labman_1 Premium
This sounds like the right tactic. Keep at it, things will change. Sometimes I like to go over to the Google adwords keyword tool and enter your page into the search box. Google will tell you what it thinks you have on your page for keywords.
Then you can take the list over to Jaaxy and see if there is any low hanging fruit that you can get ranking right away.
fishing Premium
Thanks... It sounded like it was right but I do like to make sure that I am on the right side of the road before setting out.....I will try the google adword suggestion sounds good thanks....
@RICH. Premium
Hey Tim. Like Tessa, I'm looking forward to your conclusions. Please keep us posted! Best. Rich.
fishing Premium
I get my pages starting to move up I will post another blogg....l am keeping track of my progress....
tpriem Premium
Fishing, great questions. I look forward to reading how they are answered. Thank you for asking things that have been in the back of my mind.
fishing Premium
As I get some results and answer these questions I will post my results....not sure how llong it will take....be patient...