I Was Hesitant

Last Update: April 27, 2012

I have had my site come back from the grave for about two weeks now...and of course I have been watching it very closely to see how things are progressing form here....I did get rid of my old front page and replace it with a completely differnent page....should have done that in the first place.....oh well spilled milk wipe it up and get anouther glass...

So as I sit and watch, traffic come and go and get to see where I am sitting in google I am doing quite well for the most part....so then it was most urgent that I add more content and of course following my new theme informative text not a sales picth...I dig deep go to my forums and gain enough info from them for two articles relating exactly to my niche alright (use those forums for your niche they save you)

I write one up and added it to my blog and away I go for now...I am fiquring once a week for some sorta of new material.....

Traffic is getting better all the time the most traffic I have ever seen on my site, to tell you the truth I am getting a kick out of all the traffic I am getting that I was hesitant to look if I was making sales or are they going to Amazon just to look....just in case there were no sales...to briing me doonw from my traffic high...

second week back in the game with information based site...rather than sales page....I have 350 for one week traffic best day so far is 71 first time visits and 5 return visits...

Traffic with out sales is which I have been used to has now started to be paying off I have made anouther sale....getting happier as I check my stats.....

no more sales....to day is young yet...confidence.....is growiing....stats in generall are looking good...as I have watched the site...I see the increases as I have changed the site and add content (quality) .....

In conclusion, I am proving to myself that quality does work and is making my site rise with traffic and in rankings as I go up a little and have not yet seen go down....And they yanked my site out of google with any real explanation....

if they took yours you can bring it back it just takes time and some changes

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Ripley Premium
Glad to hear your site is coming back! I think your attitude is great and that really helps when you get knocked down. You're on the right track now, keep up the good work.
fishing Premium
Thanks for the shot of confidence, moving forward...
kyle Premium Plus
Nice work on the traffic...you are definitely make leaps and bounds of progress because you are sticking to the principle of quality. We all need to remember that traffic is not sacred, there are a billion+ daily users on the Internet spending good deal of time searching and sharing.

What do they look for and what do they share...QUALITY. Keep up the great work!
fishing Premium
It took some time, I am getting the hang of this now, and quality is what works I have proofe that to myself, can only get better from here Thanks Kyle and all here at WA for all your assistance many more days ahead....
fishing Premium
Thanks Deezdz and Musky....on ward I go....
Deezdz Premium
I feel the same Tim..the more traffic I get, the more excited I get. Congrats on all your efforts which are obviously paying off!
muskyblood Premium
Awesome stuff Tim! Way to keep plodding along!