Too Much Too Fast

Last Update: July 26, 2010

If everything came easy for us, then we wouldn't be the people we are today.  Am I right?  The challenges of making it in this IM business can be totally overwhelming.  So what do we do?  How can we at least feel like we have a grasp on this business when we have nothing to show for it?

Frustration is felt by almost everybody who is building a IM business.  Finding answers to my questions has been mind boggling.  I feel like there is so much detail to be remembered and that I don't have the brain space to do it!  

Then I realized that everybody has their own way of doing this thing called marketing.  I have been trying to do these marketing procedures  right so much that I'm trying to follow 10 different people's instructions.   That's 10 different ways of writing articles, submitting articles, building squeeze pages,  finding traffic, hunting for keywords, etc.  But I'm attempting to incorporate all of these in one effort to make money!

Which is the "right" way of becoming an IM wiz?  I'm still trying to find that out, but this time I've decided to use one set of instructions or blueprints and ride it out till the end.  If that doesn't work, I will attempt another method which is "guarenteed to bring me much success".


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dec944 Premium
This is the biggest issue when first starting out. There is so dang much info out there we try to incorporate it all from the jump.

I did a post a while back and had some PM's about "paper or plastic". This is how I sorted the noise from the music. I remembered when the store used to ask "paper or plastic"-what is really meant is what do you plan to do with that bag after you get it.

We have to sort through the noise and decide what we are going to do with each piece of IM. If there is no need for it in the strategy we pick, toss it. I don't do PPC so there is no need for me to learn it. I don't sell Clickbank, so I really don't need to look at Clickbank stuff, etc.

It can get pretty noisy out there with all of the different instructions. You are doing the right thing trying to sort the noise out, listening for the music, acting and then changing if it doesn't work for you.

Best of luck.
JamesEtc Premium
this is exactly how ive been feeling, ive been trying to read nearly every tut on IM on this site and its starting to get overwhelming but im not going to give up ahah, nice post!
JamesEtc Premium
this is exactly how ive been feeling, ive been trying to read nearly every tut on IM on this site and its starting to get overwhelming but im not going to give up ahah, nice post!