$2000 Free Child Safety Benefits for Every Parent --- No Strings Attached!

Last Update: April 12, 2010


My husband and I have our kids enrolled with Child Shield, USA and we thought it might be of interest to you. We are also blessed to be affiliates with the company. Yes, I'm with a wonderful business. However, my purpose here today is not to sell you anything. Today, I'm here to GIVE you a gift, a priceless gift for you and your family. Child Shield works whether your child is a newborn of college aged.

$2000 In Free Child Safety Benefits For Every Parent

The Free Child Shield USA program is to help raise awareness of the problem of missing and abducted children and what works and doesn’t work to prevent it. Having your child become missing has surpassed all other forms of losing a child such as an accident, illness, etc. Yet, many parents think it won’t happen to them. How much time have you spent in the last month educating yourself and your children with a program proven to work? If you’re going to spend even a minute educating yourself or your child, shouldn’t you use a program proven to work? Child Shield, USA has that program and you can have access to some of those benefits as my FREE GIFT to you and your family.

Child Shield, USA is also the only company who puts their money where their mouth is. If a registered child is missing they provide over $60,000 in emergency response benefits to help recover the child. To date they have a 100% safe recovery rate. Child Shield, USA is a longstanding member of the BBB and is the only child safety company ever to be awarded the National Parenting Center Seal of Approval.

For more information on Child Shield, USA and to sign up for the FREE program visit: http://www.childshieldusa.com/gibbs And click on FREE PROGRAM or contact me or my husband Tony, your Child Shield, USA Affiliate, at forkintheroad5@gmail.com.

Take care,




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