Text, Call and Email from Any Almost Any Cellphone using Voice Commands

Last Update: April 12, 2010

I hope this note finds you doing well. I'm sure are busy with your family and business and like me, you probably spend half your time in the car, with a cell phone glued your ear. I can't even remember what I used to do before I had a cell phone but today it is a necessary tool for family, safety and business. But, I'm sure that you know that many states and countries have banned texting while driving (as well they should) and some have even threatened to ban cell phone use in the car at all! Complete banning is not the answer but smarter and safer cell phone usage is. Drive smart, drive safe, try FDI Handsfree!

FDI Handsfree is a fast way to make calls, listen and reply to emails and send text messages by phone. Accessible from any phone, you can say the name of the person they want to call and FDI Handsfree automatically looks up the information in your on-line address book and dials the number. You can also ask to have the phone numbers or email addresses read to you.

Who needs FDI HandsFree? Anyone who spends time out of the office, especially in the car, needs FDI HandsFree. FDI HandsFree is especially useful for salespeople, business owners, managers, attorneys, CPA's doctors, realtors, mortgages bankers and other people who need to stay in contact with lots of people. Any business person who travels or is on the road will find FDI HandsFree the ideal solution to be more productiive when away from the office. Best of all, this amazing and potential life-saving tool is only $9.95 per month. Imagine, for less than ten dollars per month, you can have FDIVoice HandsFree!

What are you waiting for? Get started TODAY!

.Go to www.fdiHandsFree.com/SmartChoices watch the demo and sign up today! 

Sign up today and give yourself a break! Text, Call and Email all by Voice Command and keep your hands on the wheel!

Take care and I hope to hear from you soon! Safe driving!




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forkintheroad Premium
Hi MadMoney,

Thanks for taking the time to read my blog ("Drive Safer. Drive Smarter.") And yes, it may have sounded like a sales pitch and maybe it was. But, I thought a blog was about writing what was on my mind. And that particular topic was what was on my mind right then. I

Have you ever looked at the stats for accidents involving people who are distracted by their hand cell phones? Did you know that the majority of states now have bans on texting while driving and some are even banning cell phone usage while driving? I would have looked up the stats for your state but you have not written any information in your about me section. Its a real problem that needs to be addressed. I simply offered one solution. Whether the reader of my blog elects to take the solution offered is up to them.

Didn't mean to offend you. Did mean to educate you. If I missed the mark on that, I'm sorry. Maybe next time you won't find my blog "not cool". My blogs may not be perfect, but at least I'm trying.

Any way, thanks for taking the time to read it and for your comment.

Take care.

MadMoney Premium
Sounds Like a sells pitch I heard while watching D-TV last night.

Not Cool!