About GaiC
Joined May 2012
My name is Gai, and I have been involved in on line marketing since 2011. I know that is not very long and it has been a huge learning curve for me. I have spent the past six months reading everything I can and then putting things into practice at Squidoo.

Squidoo was really my introduction to on line marketing my name there is Squidoo_Chick. It has really been the hub where I have been able to learn and practice. I have to say that the more I learn the more I start understand how much there is to learn.

That is what bought me here. To learn and share. Before this I worked in corporate for a very very long time and have so far taken 3 years out to travel and try other stuff. You can read about my travels at Gallivanting Gai which was my first step into the world of websites and where my interest in on line marketing was sparked. Other than that I used it to keep friends and family updated with where the heck I was in the world.

Over the past few years I have lived in Sydney (my home), Italy, Bali and now Singapore. I love life, I love to travel, love photography and experience new cultures.

I am determined to stick at this and make it work. I will look forward to meeting you all online.

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Shawn Martin Premium
Thanks for the follow!
GaiC Premium
My avatar I have named 'Mystery Solved' as I am new to IM, I have found it to be a mysterious world. WA (I hope) will help me solve the mystery that still remains for me in the IM world :)
GaiC Premium
Success today finally got my website up and running....success at last...also had an article approved today so things going well today
GaiC Premium
Thank you I will
GaiC Premium
Hmm i have been having an interesting time here and seem to keep running into roadblocks. I started on Saturday and cleared everything off my desk so that I could utilise and system to learn as much as possible, In short it is day 5 and I still haven't been able to get past day 2 on the 30 day success program.......its all a bit frustrating at the moment.
Praise Premium
If you have anymore trouble, hop onto the chat again...there is always someone available to help you. Let me know if you have any trouble after reading the article.