Lesson for the day - keywords for articles

Last Update: August 21, 2012
Over the past week I have been doing some analysis on the keywords I have chosen for SA articles and squidoo pages and how they are performing with respect to ranking on Google

For 14 key word terms
79% have a search volume of between 100 - 1000 monthly searches
21% have a search volume of 1000+

Google page ranking
47% are on page 1
29% are on page 2
24% are on page 3

Interesting thing is that 100% of the articles submitted to SA with a search volume of between 100 - 1000 monthly searches all rank on the first page.

I have done a couple with search volume of between 3000 -7000 but have only submitted them yesterday so I will watch them and report back

So what I have learned today
So the moral of the story is that
  • SA is a great vehicle to get traffic to your site as the articles rank quickly and hold their ranking.
  • Search volumes of between 100 - 500/1000 monthly searches work really well for articles.
Good luck
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GaiC Premium
Yes it is easy to get distracted by shining things. I generally do a load of keyword research at a time and come out with about 50 ideas for articles then I refine and don't go back to it until I have run out of terms or they don't sense anymore. It keeps me moving. Gai
kapp Premium
Well done with those keywords! I was already excited to learn about using SA and your figures have made me even more eager to get going. I need to step away from the keyword tool and start writing.
