Posts by Helle 4
June 15, 2012
Hi guys.Seems like I'm being sent a new email every time one of the people I follow writes a new blog. Though there are many interesting blogs here , this is too much ,,,Any way to stop this?RegardsRobert !
Hi WA friends! I've updated my guide "Affiliate Marketing for Dummies". This is meant as an introduction to affiliate marketing for anyone that's new to the field. I've tried to make it as simple as possible so that anyone interested in making money online can understand what affiliate marketing is all about. It's always good to clear the mind with a simple overview when confusion takes a hold of you and shakes you untill you don't know what's up and what&
Thought I'd post a blog about what I see as a great concern. Internet Privacy. Right now the US is trying to pass a law that allows US agents to spy on almost everything people do on the  internet. Personally I am a big supporter of personal freedom and I find this law to be just insane. I'll put a link to a petition from avaaz here and hope that's okay according to the rules here at WA. After all, I think that stopping a few individuals from controling and supervising which w
April 17, 2012
Thought I'd write a short blog about some challenges I have come across inside WA. First of all I want to say that I learned a lot here and I'm very thankfull for that. I don't mean to sound negative, but I would like to get some feedback on my thoughts..  I find it hard to get feedback on my questions. Most of my questions are about the WA affiliate program. I just heard that Marcus no longer is the man to contact, and that answers why I didn't get any answer from him o