Tons of emails from WA

Last Update: June 15, 2012
Hi guys.

Seems like I'm being sent a new email every time one of the people I follow writes a new blog. Though there are many interesting blogs here , this is too much ,,,

Any way to stop this?

Robert !
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Bigman Premium
I turned off some of the notifications as well after my email account went into
slayton1s Premium
I think the email thing is great, but I knew to immediately turn it all off. I'm not really interested in getting emails from WA since I'm usually on it anyway. I get enough emails as it is.
Adi2008 Premium
Personally I like to receive all notifications into my Inbox. If you setup a filter (aka mail rule) you can get them all re-directed into a specific folder e.g "WA Alerts". Then, each day you can quickly scan what activity there's been within WA and pick up on anything that interests you.

Alternatively, you can do what morlandroger is suggesting and turn off some or all notifications.
Amy Farr Premium
Yes, I'm reading this because I got notified via email LOL...
and what morlandroger says below re: account settings..;)
morlandroger Premium
Go to account setting, notification settings, edit and then untick the boxes you do not want.
Thanks for this tidbit of info. Unticked the first two.