Yippee! 4 more sales - I'm getting better!

Last Update: August 18, 2010

I just checked my Amazon stats and discovered I've made 4 more sales in the last two weeks!  Only crumbs in commissions, of course, but it proved to me that I CAN DO IT!  This is a site simply promoting books that earned zilch for the first 4 months, then 2 sales (of unpromoted products) in two weeks, and now 4 sales in the last two weeks, this time for books I am actually promoting - and I STILL haven't written any articles to drive more traffic, although I'm on the verge of doing so, thanks to all the encouragement and advice I got from you guys after my last post!

IF I CAN MAKE 4 SALES IN TWO WEEKS, I CAN DO BETTER!!!! (especially if I start writing articles (**guilt**).

To top it off, it looks like all the frustration of the last 12 totally unproductive months learning about IM and how to make my own websites is about to pay off in another way - I have just been asked to make a website for my partner's work!  They know absolutely nothing about websites, so I will have free rein on the process - all they want is a site that works.  I LOVE making websites (even though I'm still fumbling), AND I WILL GET PAID for it !!!  So another new exciting door opens up ... and I'm in like Flynn! (sorry, that's an Aussie expression)


P.S. (SigH) What a pity - I'll be so busy building this website for my client (I just HAD to say that - "my client"!) - that I won't have time to write any articles - whew - saved! (You're a bad girl, Arlene)

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Jamie Smith Premium
Congrats on your success!
Arlene which site? Well done anyway I am delighted for you, but see it can and does work if only we can figure out why! Then just rinse and repeat!
Ruggero Premium
You've already got traffic and making sales and no backlinks (articles) yet?! That's scary! Nice catch! :)
aqha1276 Premium
Woohoo! More money means more horse stuff...;)
maureenhannan Premium
Fantastic! Unleash it, girl! And no guilt allowed--it'll end up making you procrastinate. (I say that knowing that I need to follow my own advice!)