Thanks for saving me from going bald

Last Update: June 29, 2010
You’ll be happy to know that my rant in my last post had the desired effect on me.  As soon as I posted it, I decided I would do some work on my website that I had been wanting to do for some time, but what I wanted to do was fairly time-consuming so I had been avoiding doing it.  But after writing the post, I had somehow inspired myself and I decided to just start it and not stop until the job was finished.  So I spent the next few hours on it (yes, I’m not fast), I didn’t even stop for dinner until after 8pm.  But I got it finished – it’s done, and hopefully it will pay dividends. 

Now I just have to take the plunge and decide on another project - I’ve found several potentials and now my dilemma is which should I start with?  I still struggle with choosing a viable niche – haven’t cracked one so far.  Also, I am a perfectionist, and being a perfectionist sucks, it really does, it just makes you worry so much.  I recently came across a saying that totally describes me, unfortunately:  ““My life has been filled with terrible misfortune; most of which never happened.” (Montaigne)  lol.

A huge THANK YOU to everyone who posted a comment to my last post.  You guys were so supportive, it’s great.  No-one around me does IM so it’s so good to have someone to talk to.  Again, thank you all – and now, on with the show!

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iFaith Premium
LOL - nice rant title! One small step each time, will take you there soon. Yes, we die a thousand deaths by worrying and doing nothing, long long way before its (death) time. Being a perfectionist sucks - I know (I'm one myself) - the solution is just DO IT NOW! You did it - great job! And keep going! Solutions and Results are available for us to find and grab on to - our own success in the making. :o)
Ernie G Premium
Hey Horselover. I can sure identify with your post. I have a list of time-burners waiting for attention too.... and my hair is already getting thin on top! Anyway, about the niche thing. My non-marketing wife set me straight on that. I was floundering around with stuff like weight loss and stopping smoking. She suggested I focus instead on smaller groups that are avid money spenders on the stuff they love. Sounded like good advice. Now I'm looking more at various hobbies and such and am being much more specific. Just wrote 5 articles for one narrow niche and am already getting an outstanding click through rate. You can get ideas from forum directories, ning groups, etc. Hope this is some help for you.
Horselover Premium
Thanks, jatdebeaune, I will do that. It's difficult for me to have much of a change of scenery because I live miles from anywhere, but coincidentally (or not?), tomorrow I have to go to the nearest large town (about an hour's drive away) for a hospital appointment for a broken finger I have, so I'll take the opportunity to do some "research", preferably over a cappuccino! (to me that's like a holiday - yay!)
jatdebeaune Premium
Horselover, I find the best answers come to me when I'm not trying. It also helps to get a change of environment. I go to Barnes and Noble and just look around, and land at the periodicals. The periodicals are great. There are many niche ideas there that you wouldn't have thought of at home. Research them when you get home. A change of pace always helps. Holidays are good because they force you to focus on something else for a day or so. Amazing how when you return, you have tons of ideas.