Free:WP Plugin - Cloak Links

Last Update: September 04, 2010

Get this free WP plugin that automatically cloaks affiliate links on your Wordpress blogs. 

JV Press - Go Pages 

Now You Can Easil:

  • Cloak Your Affiliate Links - STOP LOSING MONEY!
  • Redirect Links Straight From Your Site.
  • Your Page Title becomes your Re-direct! This is EXCELLENT for SEO and Social Bookmarking!
  • iFrame Affiliate Offer Landing Pages -Keep Visitors at Your Site and KEEP YOUR COMMISSIONS!

Compatible for up to 3.0 WP versions. No optins at this time and totally free.




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reefswimmer Premium
thx for posting this ! Warrior Forum/War Room is the only forum other than WA that I ever go to, and I have been neglecting it thank you for getting me back on track.
I clicked the link and discovered to my newbie delight that there is a youtube video, where the creator of the plugin Sean McAllister, goes step by step thru the installation and has a few suggestions as well. Thanks!

Diane, reefswimmer
iFaith Premium
Hi Joan. You control all your affiliate links via your WP control panel - so I think it is more secure.
Devan Premium
Thanks Faith. This is good to know.
jatdebeaune Premium
Thank you Faith. Is it like tinyurl? Or more secure?