Feeling Highly Professional Now!

Last Update: May 14, 2010

Hey Everybody,

Just thought I would rant to the people who would appreciate this the most, you wonderful Wealthy Affiliates.  I scored a sweet 23 inch computer monitor on Craig's list for cheap.  It is awesome.  No more squinting at the small Macbook screen.  My neck might actually unfold itself now.

This means I have my laptop screen and what basically amounts to 3 more screens.  Now I can be completely immersed in my new internet marketing obsession!  Feeling wonderfully geeky.

Now off to explore (and revisit) some San Diego bars!

Good night everybody, 


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cld111 Premium
Woot for your new screen! And double woot for living in (or near) San Diego! What a beautiful place to be!!
Louise M. Premium
Grrreeat!! :)
jatdebeaune Premium
That's wonderful Jared. Makes a difference to have a big screen. Easier on your neck and eyes. Congrats!
Jamie Smith Premium
Congrats on your new computer monitor! Enjoy a great night on the town. San Diego is a fun city, it has been way too long since I've been out there. Also, every Thursday Calculon broadcasts his "Pacific Foundation Radio" show on our www.bassdrive.com station LIVE from the AC Lounge 4-6pm Cali time. Stop by for drink specials and excellent Drum&Bass if you are in the mood.