New Google SEO report!

Last Update: May 02, 2010

Hey everybody, 

Thought I would pass along some VERY valuable information that Google has publicly released regarding optimized content.

Google's SEO report card

Head on over to their blog and click on the SEO report card link in the body of text.

If you are new here, this is known as search engine optimization.  It is basically the way that you should set up your content in order for it to show up on Google. 

This report is a review of the main pages of 100 Google products.  They were created for the Google product teams to show them the best way to tell Google what their content is about. 

Even they didn't know this stuff!  (Not a surprise.)

Google's SEO report card

The information basically shows what Google is looking at when they are determining content of a site in terms of URL, title, meta tag, etc.  It is 49 pages in a PDF format, so stop reading this and head over there!

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Fallulah Premium
Hey that's great Thanks Jared :) More Gold :)
klrrider Premium
This should be available in the training center!
jatdebeaune Premium
Thanks Jared. I'm sending you gold too.
Jamie Smith Premium
cheers for this good blog! I sent you some WA Gold