Back to Business - a Process

Last Update: May 30, 2012
Just about the time my 10 day trial ended I ended up sick as a dog and thus took an enforced break from WA. I am back and am glad I took the break (although Kyle's golf break sounds like more fun than mine). I am re-reading, reviewing and find that in the process some of the material that was too much/too fast is now sinking in. Don't get me wrong..i still don't have a clue, (insert hysterical laughter here) but there are actual glimpses of English mixed with the "Greek"!

I have written what may pass after some more work as my first article and progressed a bit on my website. Am re-assessing what Kyle told me one of my first days here which is that I should start with a passion for my first website. (Actually it was in the training AND he told me on live chat ... clearly I can be a bit thick sometimes!!!!) Also this - writing regular blogs - helps me connect with this community, keeps me writing something and helps me mentally process where I am.

As much as I am need of an income...(and I am) I am clear that this is a process, and I can't rush through it. The interesting sidenote though is that in my other relatively new theatre production business I am being more productive and having more success. Could it possibly be related to the experience of the process of learning here? And, of course, to taking action? Hmmmmm...

(I sure hope "process" was one of my keywords for this blog!) ;-)
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You know, we live in a very fast paced society, that wants everything yesterday. Sometimes it is important to slow down and follow the process. After all, the process is there for a reason, and who knows, if we rush through life and it's process, we just might miss something very important and life impacting or changing.
veronica.l Premium
You said it, taking action is the big one. We can read and learn as much as we want but if we don`t do anything with it, if we do not ACT on what we learn, we are not moving forward. Learn, implement and adjust, learn from the mistakes that is how we grow and move forward. Belive me I have probably made all the mistakes in the book lol. Best of luck to you!
jaymekl Premium
inaction has been a problem for me, so this is something I constantly need to be reminded of....thanks
Deezdz Premium
I've come to realize I can't rush my learning process therefore I do what I can when I can. Not putting pressure on myself leads me to take more action. There will be things in life that will get in the way ( getting sick as a but being kind to yourself is key.
jaymekl Premium
thanks for the comment - I sometimes just need to remind myself not to be speedy simply for the sake of having a stack of "stuff" done.
jpnetco Premium
How come nobody ever gets sick as a cat, my cat throws up almost daily, my dog has rarely ever done that. Anyway, glad you're feeling better, and I am not making lite of your recent downtime. Sounds like you are well on your way and you're right it is a "Process"
That should be the word of the day. Stay the course.
jaymekl Premium