By Seeking and Blundering We Learn - Goethe

Last Update: June 18, 2012
It feels like forever since I last wrote a personal progress blog. Perhaps because I got stuck - and the place where I end up when I am stuck seems eternal and devastating.

Here I was following the 30 Day Training with various and sundry side trips into additional trainings - some of which confused me more, but all of which eventually returned back to the same message. Keep moving .... it will fall into place WILL make sense! I was clicking along...taking notes, bookmarking pages, starting a website. All was well in my world.

And then the DOUBT creeped in....OMG I have chosen the wrong niche! How will I ever be able to write about this and provide quality content and write again, and more? I lived in my doubt for a few days. I had been doing so well, so could this have happened to me? All of the perfectionist in me, the need to be the "star" pupil, the one who excels at everything I do was raging against me for having been so ridiculous, so silly as to choose such an impossible niche.

So after a brief foray into the WA world of private messages and I asked the question that stumped me - what if my niche is WRONG - I moped and mulled for a few more days. I "lurked" in the live chat and thought damn, everyone but me has THE ANSWER! I researched another niche idea....that one wasn't good enough either. What was a girl with absolutely no expertise in any subject whatsoever to do?

So I finally opened up WA and checked to see where I was, wow I had more followers! (what fools these mortals be!) OK so perhaps I should lurk in live chat again, then maybe I could see what responses had come in to blogs etc of the people that I am following... Oh alright, perhaps, just perhaps I should go back and read the 30 Day Training again...and go look at what I've done so far on my website. WELL...all of a sudden I realized that I had an ok start on my site and that I knew where to get some information that would help me write the quality content I needed. Then I went beyond where I had stopped in the 30 Day Training and WOW...that was fun! I learn that I could start to really understand keywords! Before I knew it, it was 5AM and I was preparing to write my first Street Article! The bottom line is that I came out on the other end with the answer - KEEP MOVING and don't let the doubts and detours get you down. Every path I took lead me to something of value except the path of inaction. So if you are following me and don't hear from me for a while....please yell, kick, scream or otherwise prod me back to action! I'll thank you for it!
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splashduck Premium
A blog post from the heart, I can relate:)
jaymekl Premium
perhaps a webbed foot might prod me too...or a beak! welome to WA!
splashduck Premium
Yes, a webbed foot and a beak can prod, mostly by making you smile and laugh:)
Labman_1 Premium
OK, noted, I'll keep good tabs on you and wind up the foot when required. But it sounds to me like you are doing just fine.
About 3 mos into my tenure here I hit a huge depression.

Of course I hadn't done anything other than read, read and more reading. Then Marcus had a 30 day club. Well that got me out of my funk and got me moving in the right direction. In fact, back then the 30 day was a sign-up only and a limited group so you needed to plead to be included. Much better now where everyone gets the opportunity.
jaymekl Premium
Thanks for the offer of a good swift kick! Sometimes that's just the ticket. A
m on my cell responding and can't get to the link you sent...but will do so as soon as
I can!
Shawn Martin Premium
Glad to see you are in action mode!
jaymekl Premium
Thanks Shawn!