First snag in my 2012 Goals

Last Update: April 25, 2012

One of my goals for 2012 was to be more active here at WA.  Usually you would find me lurking in chat most of the day (US time) off and on as I would keep a window open while I'm at my day job.

I'm not sure what changed, but that seems to have come to an end.  I'm guessing our IT department blocked off whatever port the chat was using for updates.  It still works at home, but not here. :(

So to all the 'usual suspects' ;)  I normally hang out with during the day, I apologize for my absence but not a whole lot I can do about it right now.  Not like I could go to IT and say 'Umm, could you open up a port so I can chat all day?'  LOL

On the positive side, I do have a site going that is ranking pretty well for quite a few keywords.  It remains to be seen on the profitableness of it, but it's getting steady traffic so I think it's heading in the right direction.

Once the build-up stage is done and I get down to mostly just maintaining it, I'll get the next one going.


Whatever you are doing out there, as K&C have said, keep going with consistent, unique, helpful content.  At the beginning it looks like an insurmountable mountain, but keep chipping away a little at a time and you will soon find yourself at the top.

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Apina Premium
Well though you may miss out on some conversation think what else you could possibly do? Maybe have Google docs open and chip away (thanks for that phrase Dee) at an article or two. Or do some KW research. Sometimes I feel i shouldn't open WA at all, and maybe be more productive for it.
jchilders Premium
Hehe, yeah you are probably right. :) I did spend quite a bit of time chatting with everyone rather than working. LOL Chipping away at articles is a good idea too. I've been trying to crank through one at lunchtime anyway...maybe get an extra one done throughout the day.
Bigman Premium
That's a shame about not being able to access wa from work. That's all you can do really is to keep adding content for your visitors to read on a regula basis. It's suprising that it won't take as long as you might think.
Deezdz Premium
Yes, I haven't seen you "lurking" in!

Your post inspires. Regardless of what life throws our way, it's how we roll with the punches that counts.

I try to stay away from the chat and focus on chipping away at my goals... I find it a big distraction and I can see myself easily getting caught up in talking with everyone while my tasks remain "undone". Maybe when I become a master IM like K&C I'll be able to juggle everything while chatting away!

Look forward to talking soon Jon.
jchilders Premium
Chat is definitely distracting! ..but in a good way! ;) The thing I miss the most is listening in when the 'big dogs' are all in the house and ideas are flying all over the place.