About Jerrymc
Joined April 2012
Hello, I'm Jerry Mc Donald (jerrymc). I was raised in the piney woods of Southeast Oklahoma.

After high school I Joined the U. S. Army and when my enlistment was up, I returned home and married my High School Sweetheart.

We raised our Family while traveling all over the western half of the good old U.S.A. working, while also getting my Degree from the University Of Hard Knocks as a Craftsman of many skills, but a Master of none.

We raised three beautiful and industrious Daughters. They have married and raised us nine wonderful Grandchildren. The Grandchildren are doing their job by raising us and blessing us with nine Great-grand-children! ( At least that was the last count my wife told me about!)

After our Daughters were raised, Me and my wife acquired my old home place from My Parents and we moved back to Southeast Oklahoma. We took up the "profession" of Small Time Ranching.

We are now Retired, somewhat. I need something to keep me challenged these days and also supplementing our income wouldn't be too shabby either. Since we now have rural Broad-band Internet access.

One of our daughters gave us an older computer so I decided to learn what this thing would do. I have been learning how to research and ran across Affiliate Marketing. So here I am and don't know com-ere from sic-um about this computer and internet stuff. Oh well, I wanted an adventure! I am enjoying learning new things, and with lots of help I can make it work and MAY become a master of this craft. Isn't that a hoot!
Jerrymc's Accomplishments

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Good to meet you, jerrymc.
jerrymc Premium
Hi, Thanks for following me.
Hi Jerrymc, thank you for following me. Indeed there will a great adventure of knowledge, I look forward to reading your first blog!. Any help you may need don't hesitate to ask.
jerrymc Premium
Glad to meet you Carmen, I hope to start seeing your work posted soon.
Stacydee Premium
Welcome to WA Jerry! You've landed in a great place and a great adventure is ahead. Remember to ask tons of questions and don't spend too long stuck on something-someone here know's how to help you through it.
jerrymc Premium
If I could make this computer do what I need it to do I might be able to progress quicker. thanks for welcome.
WayneBPK Premium
Hi Jerry Welcome!!!
jerrymc Premium
Thank you!
Shawn Martin Premium
Welcome to WA and good luck to you!
jerrymc Premium
A little late I am still trying to learn how to get around. Thank you very much!!