About Stacydee
Joined April 2010
Hi, I'm Stacy. I'd been floundering around out there on the internet for a bunch months wasting time and money trying to learn how to make money...and getting nowhere fast. I decided I needed to find people who were already doing what I want to do and learn from them. So here I am.

I've heard so many good things about WA that it seemed foolish not to join. I live in Southwest BC, only about 5 minutes from the Washington/BC border. I have three kids 21, 18, 13, a really fun job with great people at a very unique nursery (but when payday comes...it's still a "j-o-b"), a husband, a dog and two cats.

I love gardening, warm weather, staying home and playing outside with my plants in my yard. My goal with IM is certainly so I can make a large sustainable income for myself and family, but also so I can have the time freedom to play in the garden and just go on a trip or buy a big greenhouse if I want, to just have more choices.

I'd like to have a business sometime soon that involves getting kids hooked on gardening. It's important to pass the love of gardening to the next generation.

My garden is a bit unique, the whole thing is portable and in containers...well over 200 of them now, I haven't counted lately. I stopped after 44 hosta containers alone, 9 cherrry trees, 52 red raspberries...there was more than I wanted to list at the time.
When the summer comes and I plant the potatoes, beans and carrots there will likely be over 300 of them. It's become a living entity all its' own out there and I'm just its' manager.

The focus is food: pink and blue blueberries, red, yellow and purple raspberries, cherry trees, a yellow plum tree, red and purple potatoes, purple, white and yellow carrots, peas, beans, strawberries, red, pink and white currants, kiwis, I'm sure you get the idea. You might notice too that I like colors and the odd colored veggies. There is only one tree that is dug into the ground and a small in-ground perennial patch, all the rest are in bins, tubs, buckets, and containers of all sorts. I even have a few recycle boxes with holes drilled in the bottom.

The rest are perennials, a dozen or two different kinds. But the general theme are flowers that are tall, fragrant, red and white (I am Canadian, eh!) and those that attract hummingbirds and butterflies. It's all set up with stone pathways and ground cover plants, it kind of looks like a nursery. Are you a gardener? Tell me what you are doing/growing and we'll swap stories.

Add me as a buddy if you wish. I look forward to meeting many people here and learning a lot!

I just read over my profile and decided that it's time for an update. I added more detail to the gardening stuff above but the rest is new.

I've been a member here for almost 2 years now. I have made great strides here and learned more than I ever thought I would about computers, the internet, marketing and all three combined. I've met some great people, and received so much help and guidance from nice people just want to help, selflessly and kindly.

I can't see myself ever quitting here, each day seems to bring more cool opportunities and the more I understand about the whole (IM) picture the more exciting it becomes. The opportunities are endless with WA education--just keep on learning and don't quit.

I have 3 websites up and running with a bit of traffic-they all still need more work but had you told me 5 years ago that I would have in my future functioning websites and a beginning knowledge of their workings, I would have died laughing! I was the type whose eyes glazed over any computer speak.

All thanks to WA, I'm changing that and creating a new career out of thin air!.

Anyway, let me know if I can help you in any way. Have a wonderful day!
Stacydee's Accomplishments

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Sherion Premium
Hi There! I just joined last week. Can I add you as my buddy. Maybe we could help each other along the way.
Sherion Premium
Great! Let me know if I can help in any way.
Sherion Premium
Sure, I will try to do my best to answer it.
Sherion Premium
Are you following one of the other buddies in here like Pot Pie Girl or one like this or are you doing this on your own. Because I am following Pot Pie Girl and in the DAM Way she suggest you use a domain name that could possibly be used in the future in case the product you are promoting now no longer exists later on. The DAM Way is free on her space. Now a lot do say one product one domain name and a low volume keyword is good. But take a look at The DAM Way and she talks about that in there more too.
Sherion Premium
Create a new email account at one of the free sites and you can request for The DAM Way again. I have all together appx 6 email accounts for now. Also, I have not bought anything from here other than my membership. I am also going through the lessons and very slowly. I am only in Lesson 6. Although, I do follow the DAM Way and am I have 8 articles published now and working on more. I think that my first niche was my experimental one to see how all the hoplinks and stuff like that works. I am working on my second niche now and this is the one I want to be giving more effort to. What lesson are you in now?
Sherion Premium
You will get there. Just follow a plan. See, I am doing the DAM Way and it is very easy once you go through it the first time. Then like I said I am going through the lessons slowly. We all go at our own pace and at our convenience. I do work 15 hours a day besides what I do with this. So, I can fall back on that income. Thank God. I will continue with this and I do feel that eventually it will all work out for those of us who stick in there and really try. You will do just fine. Best Wishes To You.
Sherion Premium
Best Wishes To You!
Stacydee Premium
Absolutely! I'm up for any sort of team work, the more the better...look forward to talking with you.
Stacydee Premium
Hi, how's things been going for you...I'm looking to reconnect with people and get moving on this IM thing. I have a question that I can't find the answer to anywhere...can I ask you?
Stacydee Premium
I've picked a clickbank product to promote and the question is...is it best to buy a domain name using the same words as a low volume keyword..then point that to my hoplink and then promote the domain name?
Stacydee Premium
sweet, thanks for the tips. I am buddies with Potpiegirl and have bought oneweekmarketing...I did have the Dam way but I have to ask her to send it to me again...I had a computer crash and lost it..the site itself has me already on the list and won't resend it to me. I haven't read very much of her stuff on here yet though. I'm still at the beginning of wading through the mountains of information available here.
Stacydee Premium
so simple, why didn't I think of that...I have a bunch of email addresses. I'm working through it slowly to but I haven't actually accomplished anything yet as far as publishing an article..I have a lot of pieces of paragraphs and things I can use though :) I just have to figure out how to put it together.
Stacydee Premium
I'm impressed that you still can fit in time to learn this after working that many hours. I got the Dam way sent to me again...I'm reading that now. I figure if I don't quit and do something everyday then eventually all the pieces will fit. Thanks for your help, keep in touch and ttys!
rafaler Premium
Welcome to WA . I am new too. I've added you to my buddy list. Follow the getting started program. It is great. Good luck
Stacydee Premium
Thanks, I'm working on the action plan too, how's it going for you? I work full time so it's going slower than I want but I'm reading and trying to sort out the mountains of info available here.
Stacydee Premium
So sorry...I've been very busy lately and haven't been on the computer. I just got your message today! It's very cool that you do it too, growing food is so fun!! So glad to meet another unique gardener! Everything tastes so much better when you grow it yourself. I've learned so many things along the way by trial and error (killing plants..lol), I'd love to hear how your garden came to be...mine has evolved over almost 10 years now, but I have to admit I have a thing for Tiger Lillies and a few other non-edibles...so there's a chunk of my garden that's not food.
Marketier0225 Premium
Hi Stacy, It looks like we have a bit in common as I too enjoy container gardening. I also only grow edibles in my yard. I have blueberries, huckleberries, apples and plums, grapes and strawberries in my garden. I figure if I have to work for it, I might as well enjoy the fruits of my labor. Talk soon!
Stacydee Premium
So sorry...I've been very busy lately and haven't been on the computer. I just got your message today! It's very cool that you do it too, growing food is so fun!! So glad to meet another unique gardener! Everything tastes so much better when you grow it yourself. I've learned so many things along the way by trial and error (killing plants..lol), I'd love to hear how your garden came to be...mine has evolved over almost 10 years now, but I have to admit I have a thing for Tiger Lillies and a few other non-edibles...so there's a chunk of my garden that's not food.
Jamie Smith Premium
Welcome to the WA family
Stacydee Premium
Thank you!