Posts by JessicaL86 11
Hola my friends here at WA. I've been here exactly a year in 2 days and I just don't need all of the different tools that hike the price up. I've found another money making online school that is a fraction of the cost. I've been there for a few months and since it's more targeted I have actually started making more income.   If you are a member there find me as JessicaLauren of course. lol hit me up bc I don't want to miss any of you. You can hit me up on facebook too.  Ok much lo
April 22, 2010
Hey guys... I'm writing articles now for a more consistent income until my own stuff starts panning out.  Only 1.00 per 100 words. Write me for a sample of my work!  Look forward to working with you. ;)   Jess
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Hey guys... I've been testing it out and it's about time that I share it with my online pals.  I've been using MNF for a few months now. I couldn't figure out how to use it at first but now that I understand more it's the best money I've ever spent. I'm really glad it doesn't have a subscription fee as well. ANYWAY... MNF has knocked my socks off. They not only give you the measure of back links, the strength of competition, extract phrase and all of those goodies but now they've added ava
Hey guys... only 5 people are going to be able to get this packet. Hurry up! :-P http://www.clickbankplrstorm. com/stormpacks2.html  What you get : Each Article is at least 350 words. Most are 400-500 words. What's Included in your Pack: 5 PLR Articles 5 High Search, Low Competition Keywords 3 Recommended Affiliate Sites to Join 3 Day Trial to Clickbank PLR Storm                    
Hey guys... I thought I would drop a blog by... this giveaway started on the 14th and will be going on a little bit longer. Make sure you check it out. :)    Get Your Free Stuff    Hit me up anytime. :)    Jess
December 24, 2009
Wow! It'sChristmas 2009 already!? WOW. I am super surprised. lol It just snuck right up on me. :-P   I just wanted to say Merry Christmas to all of my friends here at WA!  Oh yeah if you guys haven't checked out this FREE program you definitely should. I've started making some decent money with it and it's free. =D  FREE PROGRAM - CLICK HERE   
November 10, 2009
Do you love promoting hot clickbank programs? Sick of writing articles? Ready to gag when you look at the keys on your computer? Don't write anymore articles by yourself! My friend Dennis' site ( pickyourplots on WA ) has just went live!!  There are only 1,500 memberships available and we plan on selling out within the next 14 days. Since you are checking my blog you are probably a friend of mine and I wanted you to get first dibs. :)   This is a real
November 05, 2009
Hey guys... I'm not usually one that gets caught up in hype and I don't think I am this time but I am hyper about it. lol   Anyone that is needing some extra cash to pay for hosting or a new domain name I really recommend that they try this free option to get some sort of money flowing into their wallets. If you don't even want to try a few option that only takes you a few minutes a day you probably don't need money that bad the way that I see it :-P  At least watch the video and
November 03, 2009
If you are new to IM - or maybe even if you aren't - you are probably sick and tired of writing your own articles. Have you heard of PLR articles?   PLR  articles that are written by an author and sold for a small fee to the buyer. The buyer is allowed to change up the article and place their very own name on this article - totally legal. This will save you A LOT of time and money since it's usually a lot cheaper than having a writer write individual articles - another plus... you
October 31, 2009
Hey guys. If you are looking for an easy way to make a little extra cash my friend Jeff introduced this to me the other day. If you work it right within 90 days... well just watch the video it explains it  a lot better than I can - Make Money Online Now . PM me if you need any help but if you can turn on a computer you can do it =P
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