Are You Ready For The Storm??

Last Update: November 03, 2009

If you are new to IM - or maybe even if you aren't - you are probably sick and tired of writing your own articles. Have you heard of PLR articles? 

 PLR  articles that are written by an author and sold for a small fee to the buyer. The buyer is allowed to change up the article and place their very own name on this article - totally legal. This will save you A LOT of time and money since it's usually a lot cheaper than having a writer write individual articles - another plus... you don't have to wait! 

 Ok I've said all of that to say that my good friend and my personal article writer Dennis is setting up his own PLR site and has been nice enough to let me help him out and be a member of the team ( thanks Dennis! ) 

 Ok so what if those PLR articles aren't on what you want to promote? The PLR articles through this site are going to be on hot clickbank products - a great place for newbies to start for sure. 

 If you are a fan of or use the  One Week Marketing Plan this is a great way to get that articles that you need for your squidoo!

 Remember - You can read until you are blue in the face but it's not going to make you any $ - you need to put content on the web and this is an easy way to take away any of your excuses ;) Don't let yourself down. Put some content on the web.

 If you are interested in getting in on the storm send me a pm or buddy talk to keep this articles affective there is going to be a membership limit of 1,500. The official launch of the site is Thursday and we've already been doing a little prelaunch promoting so hit me up =) 




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