Posts by Kathy389 8
For the past year I have explored different niches searching for the one that I could bank my future on.  My travel site proved to be the one and I am going full force and opening a home based agency.   After researching and a lot of questions I have made my decision and I have started my training. I just want to say good-bye, wish you all success in your ventures, and much love and prosperity in your lives. Kathy
I just re-read Brian Tracy's "Goals".  Every couple of years when things aren't running smoothly I remember that I have the cd's to turn to for inspiration and a kick in the butt.  If you haven't read "Goals" you should take the opportunity for you and your business to read it.   I believe everyone in business makes a daily, weekly or monthly list of what they need to accomplish, and we cross off the items that are completed.  But we don't really
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I just re-read Brian Tracy's "Goals".  Every couple of years when things aren't running smoothly I remember that I have the cd's to turn to for inspiration and a kick in the butt.  If you haven't read "Goals" you should take the opportunity for you and your business to read it.   I believe everyone in business makes a daily, weekly or monthly list of what they need to accomplish, and we cross off the items that are completed.  But we don't really
February 24, 2011
If you want us to Like WA on Facebook then the Facebook icon needs to be added to the WA site sign-in page.  Everyone who is a WA affiliate has a Facebook page.  When you start to go through them all looking for the real WA page you get a lot of affiliate links.   It would help and save a lot of time if the icon was here. Or was the whole point so that we see all the WA pages?????
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January 07, 2011
I gave in to all those emails that make huge promises and ended up paying the price.  One of those darlings came with a trojan that weaved its way deep into my hard-drive.  In the beginning I noticed small annoyances with the computer but didn't think anything of it, and I never worried because I always did a full scan on my computer at the end of the day - just in case.  I also backed up my data.  But guess what - something that sneaky gets saved with your data once it's wea
July 25, 2010
In reading the response to one of the blogs I read this morning, there was a comment on how the author was in compliance with the new FTC laws about receiving affiliate commissions on dot coms.  I have gone to the FTC site and I'm not finding any specific verbage to use. Can anyone give me advice on how to phrase that you may receive a commission on an item they may purchase because of what they read on your blog or site??????? Thank you. Kathy
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I just got an email from Ezine saying that the second article I submitted on Saturday was accepted and also given the Expert Author status.  Is this normal? or just a Newbie freak occurrence?  If you want to read my articles they are at I'm thinking just a freak accident. Kathy  
July 19, 2010
I'm So Excited! And I Just Can't Hide it I'm About To Lose Control, And I Think I Like It! I submitted 2 articles to Ezine on Saturday, and one just got accepted.  But not just a normal acceptance, it got Expert Author status going to the high-traffic home page , etc.  I'm in shock because I'm a newbie and that was my first submission. So aside from writing more articles for my different blogs so that I can apply to Google and Amazon, what else should I be doing? The site address I