I'm So Excited!

Last Update: July 19, 2010

I'm So Excited!

And I Just Can't Hide it

I'm About To Lose Control, And I Think I Like It!

I submitted 2 articles to Ezine on Saturday, and one just got accepted.  But not just a normal acceptance, it got Expert Author status going to the high-traffic home page , etc.  I'm in shock because I'm a newbie and that was my first submission.

So aside from writing more articles for my different blogs so that I can apply to Google and Amazon, what else should I be doing? The site address I used on that article gets redirected to STF.  

And when they say I can add one of their special buttons to my website to show that my article was featured, what do they mean and where does it go? Thanks!




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alan03 Premium
Hi fantastic stuff! not quite sure whats going on with Ezine at the mo, maybe they have lot's of love to give at the moment lol, I had the same thing also. WELL DONE! you've started.

Re your question about placing the Ezine button on your blog, I am not sure about this as I personaly don't want to many distractions on mine, i.e. after getting traffic to my site I don't want to send them back to Ezine checking me out again, they might not return lol.

It will be interesting to see other peoples views on the matter. So everyone does the Ezine button if placed on your blog site get your articles better rankings? I can't imagine.

However well done Kathy!!!
moonvine Premium
Yippee!!!!!!!!! That's exciting!! I don't know what it all means, but it sure sounds super!