Posts by Keish_777 4
June 22, 2011
 I have been away for a while and I don't like it because it sets me back and I don't get to achieve my daily WA goals, but I will just have to work with it I guess.  Today I was talking to a friend of mine and he was so interested in making money online, secretly I was happy! I told him I would send him the link so I think I'm in for a sale without even having to convince anybody, Ha! How's that for starters? I must get to work because I am way behind and my mail is flooding with lett
June 19, 2011
 Today is sunday, just got home, I had to work 16 hrs yesterday so I wasnt online and today I will be working 16hrs also so I wont be online much today  because I need to sleep to wake on time.  This is why I need WA because I am overworked and under paid. Right now I will have to pay catch up. After having a tumultuous day on Friday, with Adword kicking me in my you-know-what. and having to call godaddy to change my hosting,  I entered the NS1 and 2 correctly but w
June 16, 2011
Yesterday my goal was to build my website, I didnt because I couldn't find a discount coupon to reduce the cost to purchase So I'm up earl on day 4. I should also tell you that after trying to get adsense to accept me since the start of the year - something was always wrong with my application in their eyes. I tried, I think it was Monday only to receive a mail yesterday telling me that I have an adsense account. (Whew! that was hard work!). Perseverance have paid off finally. I want to build m
1 comment
 Today is my first day at WA, before I pressed the button to make my membership payment I wondered a thousand times whether this was a scam. i have never been scammed because I just dont buy and I dont think I'm gullible. Well I started the course, cant move cuz i dont know where to promote my stuff, dont want to jump the gun and skip any aspect. My Lord what is this!