Though I walk through the valley...

Last Update: June 14, 2011

 Today is my first day at WA, before I pressed the button to make my membership payment I wondered a thousand times whether this was a scam. i have never been scammed because I just dont buy and I dont think I'm gullible. Well I started the course, cant move cuz i dont know where to promote my stuff, dont want to jump the gun and skip any aspect. My Lord what is this!

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jatdebeaune Premium
I know how you are feeling. My advice is to keep reviewing the material, so that you will get familiar with terms and the way to start. Then follow just one marketing plan, so that you are not confused. IM is a changing, evolving art. Not only that, everyone has his own opinions about the best way to do things. Focus on keywords and writing content for your niche, and follow one marketer's advice.
Anothertlgroup Premium
Feeling U !!!
muskyblood Premium
Keish - There is a lot of info here. I HIGHLY recommend working through the Action Plan nice and slow so you absorb all of the great info in there. When you feel you have a grasp of things, hit up the Success in 30 Days Club. Best of luck!
Treat it like a "Pilgrim's Progress" taking one step at a time. WAU is 99.99% scam free so you'll be safe here. Enjoy your journey.
jweezy Premium
You really have to take your time and digest the info there is a lot so just take your time best of luck to you.