Posts by Labman_1 199
August 27, 2011
I'm having a rough week.  Popped over to VT for a startup. This means 14 hour days and working through the weekend. Hey it's a job! In the meantime, my old dog is failing fast and I should be home taking care of her.  Frustrating to be stuck in Podunksville.  With any luck I'll get home in time. I'm wishing my IM profession was further along so that I don't need to do this stuff anymore.  Living out of a suitcase and being at my employers beck and call is not a happ
August 18, 2011
Carson mentioned that the notifications for the WAbinars are broken due to the new chat feature.  For those on the edge of your seats......   WAbinar Announcement Fri Aug 19, 2011 8:00 pm Est Duration: 1 Hrs That's 8:00PM EST for those not in my timezone. This week we are holding a full 60 mins Q & A Session on all 4 WA Quick Start WAbinars! * WA Quick Start WAbinar #1 - Find Your Niche * WA Quick Start WAbinar #2 - Create Your Website * WA Quick Start WAbinar #3 -
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August 18, 2011
Some of you may have noticed that I haven't been around much.  I try to stop and check in each day but haven't been able to spend much time here.  Why you ask?  Welll..... I'm not unemployed anymore. I'm trying not to rub it in as I know more than a few of you are where I was last year.  Savor this time and focus on IM.  Working for someone else is a fools errand unless you love the work.  I do mostly like the challenge of this job as I'm constantly at the edge of
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July 31, 2011
My alarm this morning didn't go off. Yup, Sunday I like to get an extra hour in so that I'm recharged for the week. Wife let the dogs out.  I forgot to tell her that they pulled down the fence and that it was just a suggestion.  So, I was awakened to "The Pups are gone!" 40 minutes later I found them.  They had covered a significant distance and were about to get into town.  I guess the smell of pancakes from the diner was to much for them. Spent the day putting up
July 30, 2011
Once upon a time, in a land far removed from where I currently reside, I was unable to take action.... All I did was watch videos and learn about Internet Marketing.  Well I have several more months of experience now and I've taken some action and made a few sites and written a few articles etc. etc. etc. (I always hear Yul Brenner in my head ( The King and I)). So while checking my bookmarks today I revisited the mom Blog.  Some of you may be familiar with it.  Some of you just
July 29, 2011
I was contacted this week by a manufacturer of one of the product lines that I'm promoting. Now this took me a bit by surprise  as I didn't think I was doing well enough to make a splash with the IPad cover crowd.  Apparently I'm doing well enough to get noticed. Now if I can just get some more traffic.    
July 20, 2011
So, I trusted my dogs to be out the other day. Left them out all night scattered around my bed. This went well so I figured I was finally over the hurdle and I could actually trust them a bit unsupervised. Boy was I misguided! Cooked some chicken for dinner and left some out on the stove while I worked online for a bit.  Crash, the dish hit the floor.  I reacted in time to save my lunch. I had to clean off the dog hair though. Then back to work......last night I was reading my friends
July 19, 2011
I really tried to leave IM behind for the weekend.  I wasn't on here, really I wasn't I couldn't do it.  It seems I'm an addict.  Or I've got this stuff under my skin. My younger brother's class reunion was last weekend.  He was only a year back so most of my friends showed up.  Many of them I haven't seen since graduation and many others I have been conversing with on FB but haven't actually seen them for well, probably longer than some of you have been alive.  So
July 10, 2011
Had my first visitor to my garden today. The Milkweed is in full flower(I Love the Smell of Milkweed),  The bees and butterflies are busy.  If you are going to raise some Monarch's this year and would like to tag them like I do it's time to order your tags now.  The company that supplies them works slowly. Tags are available at Monarch Watch . In Western NY the caterpillars start appearing the 3rd week of August.  So those of you in the North East and Midwest US should
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July 06, 2011
Well, decided to clear out of my Search and Rescue team. Tired of the sniping and backbiting.  Fortunately there is another alternative.  My new team, Western New York Search Dogs, is completely focused on getting K9's ready to work a search.  None of the extra junk that my previous team had on their schedule.(Mostly related to raising funds that I never was able to determine where they were used).  Anyhow, wish me luck with my new compatriots.  I'm hoping that some fres