Posts by Labman_1 199
June 01, 2012
For all you new folks out there that may not be aware.Jay does a WAbinar on Live Chat and Video Streaming.It takes Place at 5 PM That is 5PM Pacific Time. So adjust your time accordingly... (Sorry all you folks in the UK, That's pretty late(or early) for you) Tonight! Open your live chat and follow along.There will be a hot button in the upper Right of your main screen to connect to the Video presentation. Here's the Announcement for tonight's Presentation. Jay hasn't let me
Think your Google results are the same as everyone else?Probably not.Here's a TED presentation that I found interesting.Only 10 minutes long so give it a look.
If you have an hour to spare, Guy Kawasaki has a good presentation on Branding with Google +. those that are ready to develop a brand.Craig H.
With Memorial Day and Victoria Day upon us.....Give til it hurts. It only hurts for a little while.Blood I mean. Take a chance, go visit your local Bloodbank and make a deposit.Someone will thank you for it.Maybe someone you know.
Well, this seems to be going a lot slower than I had hoped. Got some good content in it.  More to come. I went ahead and notified Google of my site by adding the Google Analytics code to the header of my site.  After a few days I used this in the Google Webmaster tools to validate my site and added the sitemap to the GWT. As for Rank.  The first time I looked uncloaked I found the site on the top of page 3. Cloaked the page does not appear in the first 20 pages.  I didn
1 comment
Recently another member(Apina) whom I greatly respect thanked you all for a milestone of followers. Well, 500 of you seem to like what I'm up to. Thank you all. I will try to live up to your expectations. Although I'm not as experienced as some, I try to share where I am able. Craig H.
May 13, 2012
For some reason I've had a hard time finding the time to work on this site. So its going more slowly than I would have wished it is however coming along. So here's what I have done so far. Researched the niche by going to see the Hunger Games.      The purpose of this site is to capitalize on the increased interest of kids that are getting their first exposure to Archery from this movie.  So, I figured I'd better go see it.  Since the wifely unit is a b
May 08, 2012
Well folks, I guess a few of you are wondering what I've been up to with the URL that I purchased during the WAbinar. For those of you that didn't catch the URL it is I'll be updating my progress for you as it develops so that you can follow along. Just so that you have a bit of background this is not an entirely new topic for me. I spent many hours out in my backyard pulling a bow. My parents bought all the boys toy bows when we were 7,8 and 9. My young
May 02, 2012
I took the weekend off.  Yup, no phone, no internet, no how, no way. I went to a place lost in time. Somewhere that the real world doesn't intrude into the peace and solitude. Was it hard? You betcha. (Nope not Alaska) Here's the thing......My name is Labman and I'm an addict.  I've found the Internet and I'm addicted. North Central PA was my destination.  It seems the population density is insufficient to get a cell tower on all of the mountains in the
April 22, 2012
Got to visit a show last night. I was hoping to connect with one of our members  but that didn't work out. She's blogging for the Moodly Blues.  Check out her work.