Posts by Labman_1 199
February 12, 2012
There are many ways that you can be taken advantage of on the World Wide Web. I've seen a bit of chatter about people being hit with spam and others that are falling prey to malicious software.  There are many ways that your web properties can be compromised.  How do you protect yourself from these?  Backups!  For your WordPress sites. WA hosting uses the Plesk system.  This is fairly easy to use to make backups. Other platforms such as GoDaddy provide an interface ca
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February 09, 2012
I decided it was high time to get one of my web properties working with Google Webmaster tools. I had the misguided idea that putting the www in front of my URL was a good thing.  Turns out I didn't really want to do this so..... I changed it.  OOOps. This caused me a bit of trouble as I then wanted to verify the site with GWT. Well, I find that there is a way around this.  The other tool that I use is Google Analytics.  This allows you to put in your preferred way to display
February 05, 2012
Gracie and I spent a good part of the day training at a County Park called Oatka Creek park. One interesting note regarding this park.  Many years the Robins have stayed in this park all winter.  There seems to be a special temperature gradient that keeps this park several degrees warmer than the surrounding area.  In the 40's and 50's gypsum was mined here and the mines have collapsed over time giving the area some interesting hidey holes. We were working on getting Gracie to qua
February 04, 2012
About 6 months ago, I had an idea.  It may have been longer.  Nevertheless, I took the plunge and grabbed a buying keyword.....created a quick site and busy with other stuff.  This whole time the site has been languishing,  I didn't even let the bots see it. With part of a weekend free from other things and V-day coming up I thought perhaps this might be an appropriate time to get busy. Actually its way past time to work on this but hey, once its up there are othe
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January 31, 2012
I'm finding it a bit hard to focus these days.  My 70 hour work weeks continue but that leaves evenings open for IM. Tonight I popped over to Google + and added some images.  I need to learn this platform and decide the best way to optimize this one. Last night was a Pinterest marathon.  More time and energy needed here as well.  I do like the interface but showing all of the pages from those that I follow can be a bit overwhelming.  Thanks to all of you who are followin
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January 23, 2012
For all you new puppy owners out there. I've started a new thread in my blog on the Christmas puppy.   The Daily Bark (OK, the monthly Bark) Have a look.  Thanks  
January 19, 2012
Well, my home town of Rochester NY got a sad bit of news today. George Eastman's baby has declared Bankruptcy.  Once the largest employer in our area they have been shrinking since the development of digital photography.  Some really bad decisions were made that didn't allow the company to respond to the changing marketplace.  So, we say goodbye to the Big Yellow Box. RIP Kodak.   Is the big red X next?
January 18, 2012
In a minute Google will no longer be dark, Wikipedia will give us all the answers and all the other sites that tried to get our elected representatives to listen will go back to business as usual.  If you haven't contacted your representative about this  Pop over to Daniel's page and grab the link to send a missive to your Senator's and Representatives.  They NEED to hear from you.  Chuck Shumer will have me on the list as will Ms. Gilibrand.  I especially want to respon
This recently reached my inbox.  As many of us here pride ourselves on our English and wordsmithing I thought perhaps this would be enjoyable/Helpful to some. If you need help with any of the pronunciations comment below and I'll try to explain how a particular one is pronounced. If you can pronounce correctly every word in this poem, you will be speaking English better than 90% of the native English speakers in the world. After trying the verses, a Frenchman said he’d prefer six months o
January 12, 2012
While working 70 hours a week for the past few I've found it a bit difficult to keep up with WA. I did have the occasion to read through the Materials provided by our capable hosts here at WA. What a Great Bonus.  If you haven't gotten around to it, stop over to your Home page and download the Traffic Explosion 3.0 Now or click on this link.   Here's a bit of fun from our Northern neighbors.  Seems there are a few bears in Canada. The humor is quite dry but the Awwww moments make