Out for a few more days

Last Update: July 09, 2012
Have been down with back pain for almost a week - can just barely sit for more than 15 mins at this point, but thought my e-mail would be huge by now, so wanted to clear it. Maybe I'll try my laptop lying down, but it's hard to focus past the pain. A few more days and perhaps I'll be able to sit and focus again, certainly hope so. Have been trying to jot down any ideas I get so I won't lose them. Did some article outlines but in no shape to write them.

Enough for now, will try to be back soon as I can. I've had three back surgeries so am no stranger to this situation, still it's been a long time since I've been this incapacitated.
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ThomasPaul Premium
Hope you get to feeling better soon. :)
mama2karsten Premium
I am sorry to hear hear about your back. I hope it gets better soon. " Voice to text" software could be a solution if you are incapacitated too long... at least it can take voice to text (dictation) and preserve your wonderful ideas until you are better. Dragon has multiple types of versions... even one for the iphone,ipad,ipod touch, so there are some options for you out there while you are on your back.
Shawn Martin Premium
Hope you feel better!
Linda Fedun Premium
We're quite the pair aren't we Lisa?? I've been there with back pain too, not much fun. I'm trying to keep up with my email too, give yourself some down time. As you told me WA isn't going away and neither are our websites, feel better soon.