About Malcolm
Joined October 2008
Hello & Welcome
My name is Malcolm Donaldson. I'm in the process of moving with my beautiful partner Jean from South Africa to the Sunshine Coast, Australia.

Our interests are art and animals.

All my websites will always be under construction as i add more info,but please feel free to take a peek.
I built these by purchasing Adobe CS3 & Total Training before I joined WA. I'm now lucky enough to have so many new resources in WA to improve them and build even bigger and better sites.

I started earning money and still do each and every month by promoting UK & Euro Lotto, 75% of the UK buy Lotto tickets.
Then I purchased the " SUPER AFFILIATE HANDBOOK" which turned my life around. I would recommend you purchase this ebook TODAY off my www.firsttimeaffiliate.com website. You can also become a reseller of this book as an affiliate and earn from each sale by promoting it on your web site.

Currently, my partner Jean and I are in the Picture Framing & Printing of Art business.

What I Love is there are no limits in life. We have all the learning facilities at our finger tips and we have the whole world to travel with most trips being only a few hours flight time away.

I have "Stickability, I will make WA work for me and if I can help you please feel free to ask.

WA has a winning formula, we have no need to reinvent the wheel. All we have to do is learn from Kyle & Carson and all the other Top Earners.

Good Luck & Best Wishes in your new venture.
Malcolm's Accomplishments

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TJ Books Premium
Welcome, M! Africa to Australia, sounds like fun to me. This is the place to Learn to Earn. Do your 8-week Action plan and do the task, at least one each day. Most IMPORTANT is to send a PM to Kyle or Carson, not both, for personal tutoring that will not cost you one red cent. Tell him what you are doing so that he can check things out for you. You will get an answer every other day to your questions. It took me three months to start bringing in some money. Last month, my fourth month, I earned almost $700 using Bum Marketing (free) techniques that I knew about but was doing incorrectly until I came to WA. Click on my pic to respond. Good Luck! John
TJ Books Premium
e-mail on the way John
heinvd Premium
Hi Mal. Thanks for introducing me to WA. This is Awesome. I won't disappoint you!
heinvd Premium
Hey Mal! Hope you are still operating WA! Talk soon!

malcolm Premium
Good Luck Buddy, Nearly finished the move. Thanks for helping me my little websites, one day I hope to be a master web designer like you. Malcolm
malcolm Premium
Hi Buddy, I organised for you tosell F Secure. Contact Penny 0113262242, Unit price R350.13 vat included Selling for R599.00 Information Security Architects. Regards Malcolm
malcolm Premium
Hi Buddy, Thanks for all the help with Bronwny's computer, all sorted out . We fly out to OZ on Thursday. My dream is coming true, Learn lots I'm going to need you OZ. Please give Vanessa a huge big hug from me. I'm going to miss you to alot. It's not everyday one get to have 2 really good friends. Malcolm.
Hilamaya Premium
Hello Malcom!!!

Can you please let me know the popular music instrument in Australia, I know it's a big one, but I forgot the name.

Have a nice one !!!

Hilamaya Premium
Hello Malcom !!!

I come from Montreal, and leave in Montreal, working for brother's business at home. I know I'm really busy and try to do business. Maybe you can talk to me in french, will be nice as well.

Have a nice one and take care !!!

Hilamaya Premium
Hello Malcom !

Yes with 10 dollars wonder I started to do success, but you need to be patient, I bought some positions on there. I started on September 30, 2008 and the positions getting very well and I started to do money on that 10 dollars wonder. You have to be patient and send advert with safelist.

If you need more information please feel free to contact me, it will be a pleasure for me to help you.


malcolm Premium
Hi Carole "Hola" , muchas gracias for writing to me, my Spanish is limited.I buy a lot of photography from your country , you live in a beautiful part of the world, I would be a little afraid of the big storms that pass your country on there way to the USA. The name of the instrument is a "Didreidoo" carved from a tree and played by the Aboriginal people in Australia. Talk to you soon. Kind Regards Malcolm
malcolm Premium
Hi Carol, I forgot to welcome you to WA, you are a real busy little lady, I will spend some time the week after next reading through all your sites. I know you have only started Internet Marketing .Please tell me, have you had any success with 10 Dollar Wonder. I will be switching my computer off tonight for a week while I settle into my new country "Australia" . I will be back live on the 7/11/2008 and ready to help if I can. Adios Malcolm.
malcolm Premium
Sorry Carole I misunderstood you, I thought you came from the Dominican Republic. Now I will have to learn a little bit of French. We move today to Australia, so I won't have a computer for about 7 days, just keep on learning. Talk to you soon. Kind Regards, Malcolm.
guitar fire Premium
Welcome to WA! You have a lot going for you already and I hope things go great for you here.
You will likely ace the 8 week course and remember the forum is a great place to get your questions answered.
Wish you the best,
Guitar fire,
guitar fire Premium
Hi Malcom nice to hear back from you. Are you building your web sites with the site rubix we have here?
Looks like you have a lot on your plate. I can see Jeans concern we women worry about things like moving and all.
Take care,
guitar fire Premium
Hi Malcom God speed with your move...don't worry about WA we will be here when you are settled and ready to get back to work.
guitar fire Premium
Hi Malcom,
Nice to hear from you and kind of you to ask. I will need to send you a private message to fully explain this idea. I have not gotten any input so it will be welcome.
guitar fire Premium
well that did not work every time I tried to type your name in the pm box a message said that member did not exist.
Bummer I will try later when messaging is 'in a better mood.'
guitar fire Premium
I will try again as I have learned ' persistance is better then genius.'
guitar fire Premium
Hi Malcolm,
in my rush to get to church this morning I forgot to thank you for the gold. Thank you!
Have a great evening,
malcolm Premium
Hi Sandy, Thank you very much for welcoming me into WA. First and only message. Sorry for the delay in returning your message, we are moving to OZ and we have been packing our first container. My partner Jean thinks I dilly starting WA right now as we are moving . I always been one to "do it now" before it's forgotten. I intend have a full go at WA and will be there for you need any help. I am in the process of building 4 websites to promote my products.Talk to you again soon.
malcolm Premium
Hi Sandi, Thank you for adding your picture to my buddy list. It's great and nice to have you there. I'll be in the process of winding up my affairs here in South Africa for my move to Australia over the next 3 weeks so there will be very little communication on Buddy Talk but I will try and learn off the 8 week plan when ever I get the chance. Kind Regards, Malcolm.
malcolm Premium
Hi Sandy, I read on Hein's profile that you had purchased 4 domain names , but your broader idea does'nt fit into the WA sysytem. What is your broader idea. Maybe we can help you. Kind Regards Malcolm.
malcolm Premium
Hi sandy, Look forward to your message. Kind Regards, Malcolm.
malcolm Premium
Hi Sandy, I tried sending messages earlier in the day and I could'nt post them. I logged on OK. I don't know what went wrong and why it said I was'nt a member when you tried to send me a PM. Please try again. Kind regards, Malcolm.
malcolm Premium
Hi Sandi, I was half way through writing you a private message, I never had a chance to correct my grammer . I think you need Kyle or Carson or one of the other top guys at WA to build a web site for you. I don't know enough yet to help you, Hein has been helping me long before I joined WA. First you need to start a business to help uplift the people you are taking under your wing. You are a person of the church so you may not approve of Lotto, but it gives me a steady income stream . These links can be added to your website which will add income to your project. Kind Regards Malcolm.
malcolm Premium
Hi Sandi, Think hard about a business venture you would like to start to help uplift the poor people of your community. Here is a bar of gold to start your new business venture. Art sells all over the world, the mexicans sell rugs, table mats ect all over the world , a friend of mine sells little black African dolls all over america. Good Luck, I'm here for you if you need help. Kind Regards, Malcolm.