In Vegas...waiting for Kyle & Carson!

Last Update: February 06, 2011

Hey guys...

It's a little weird being in Vegas on my own, but then I had to get here early to conquer the jet lag!

I say this not to boast because I know that MANY of you would love to be out here for the WA Super Affiliate Conference, but I also know that many of you like to know what it's like.'s nothing short of amazing! I was here in 2009, missed last year due to ill health, but being here again feels just fantastic. Vegas is a magical place to be, and to be sharing the experience with so many of WA's great affiliates next week is just mind-blowing.

As I say, this post is not designed to make anyone jealous...I really do wish you could all be here with us.

I'm not sure how I will do it, but I will report back at some point with more details of the trip...if Jay doesn't get there first with his video camera! ;)

All the best guys...


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Labman_1 Premium
I don't know about idiots abroad but use your Video cams liberally we all would love to see your antics.
Enjoy the week.
Eugn23 Premium
Hope you have an awesome time Marcus! Check out KA at MGM it was amazing when I was there! You definitely deserve it and thanks for being so helpful.
Jamie Smith Premium
Cheers Marcus, have a blast with the WA family in Vegas! I will see you in Vegas for 2012.
Marcus Premium
lol..."Idiots Abroad"...I like it! See you in 24 buddy!
magistudio Premium Plus
Maybe we should use both our video cams and make our own version of 'idiots abroad'.. LOL ==> See you in 24 Hours!