Would love you to read...if you have the time

Last Update: May 11, 2011

Hi WA'ers,

This is the first time I've ever written a post of this kind on my blog, so I'd really appreciate it if you give me a couple of minutes of your time.

 You see, some of you have noticed that I haven't been so active in the WA community lately, and today I'd like to share with you why that is the case.

To explain more, I'd like to introduce you to a couple of very good friends of mine here in the UK...Lee & Sharon:


This photo was taken around August 2010, and by now you are probably expecting there to be something sad coming...and you would be right.

A couple of month's prior to this photo being taken, Sharon was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer, and what you see above is a woman enjoying life with her husband prior to starting her chemotherapy.

I'm sure you will agree that she is a stunning woman, and although we are all aware of how cruel this disease is, it just seems so wrong that someone so young (38) should be dealt such a bad hand in life.

Lee and Sharon also have 7 year old twins (a boy and girl) who go to school with our children, and last week my wife and I helped to create the "perfect" 7th birthday for the twins as it would be the last their Mum would ever see. Sharon has recently learned that the cancer has spread wildly and she has less than 4 months to live. She is now receiving care in a local hospice.

Why bring such sadness on my WA family?

I REALLY apologize if I've upset anyone with this post, and I really thought long and hard about putting it up, but today (11th May) is a big day for Sharon. Only last week she had brain radiation because the cancer has spread to her spinal fluid, and she is of course losing her hair.

In her attempt to turn a negative into a positive, she has decided to have her head shaved for a lung cancer charity, and all the local press are going to be there.

My wife (another Sharon!) has decided to create a donation page on behalf of Sharon, and if any of my WA friends here are in anyway touched by her story, or indeed have been affected by this bloody awful disease, we would be absolutely delighted if you could make ANY donation (no matter how small). It really doesn't matter if it's a £1/$1...EVERY last penny helps.

>> Sharon's Lung Cancer Donation Page <<

By the way...the picture on her page above was taken on her wedding day last year, a week or so after she received the bad news.

Let me just take this opportunity once again to apologize to anyone that I might have upset or offended by making this post, and also thank you all for reading it.

Even if you do not make a donation, please spare a thought for Sharon and her young family, and take the time to cherish your loved ones every...single...day.

My wife and I have spent a lot of time helping Sharon and Lee over the last year as they try to come to terms with the inevitable, and it's certainly made us appreciate how lucky we are.

I won't be exercising my Internet marketing skills by posting the link to the donation page again...it's up there if you feel the need.

So yeah...life has been a little bit crazy over the last couple of months as we support Sharon, and that is why I haven't been so active. Thank you to those who have asked if everything is ok!

In a funny kind of way...it REALLY helps me to share this story with you guys...thank you so much for listening...you are the greatest.


*EDIT* Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to pass on their best wishes and/or make a donation. A number of people have donated Gold to me for Sharon's cause, so at the end of this month I will withdraw all of the Gold I receive and make a donation from WA on the page above. Thank you all so much!

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Marcus Premium
Hi Stacy, thank you! You really don't have to give a donation at all...I'm just pleased that you read the above and can appreciate the situation. If however you do decide to donate some Gold, just let me know and I will add that amount to the donation page. Thank you for taking the time.
Jamie Smith Premium
Please, no need to say sorry for a thing. Marcus, you are a great man. You continue to go out of your way for the WA family and for your friends. I am sending blessings to Lee&Sharon plus their family and your family as we speak.
Stacydee Premium
Oh man, my (and family's) heart and strength go out to you and to her and husband and kids and family. For a donation, would it work to give my WA gold to you? Somehow that's real money, right? Peace be with all of you.
Marcus Premium
Pete - Thank You so much! Your kind words and donation are very much appreciated. Best wishes to you.
Pete S Premium
"Compassion = True Wealth" Donation sent! It is truely amazing that some people shine so bright when faced with personal struggles and this applies to Lee & Sharon as well as You & Your wife for being the kind of friends I am sure you are to this couple during their difficult times.