Cheers! To all of our new members at WAU!

Last Update: March 13, 2011


I want to personally Welcome, each of you to our Community and the WAU Forum. You are now a part of this and it is up to you connect with us as we grow and expand our goals and dreams for a better future! I am proud to be a member here and I am sure you will feel the same way! Now that you have joined Wealthy Affiliate you're going to discover a great deal of new information, and suggestions, and come in contact with resources and guides that you just didn't know existed.  Every one of these are created to direct you towards reaching your goals in affiliate marketing.  For those who have a unique talent already, for instance website building, writing, or other expertise, you are able to bid on job opportunities or provide a service within the Wealthy Affiliate Jobs section.  The Wealthy Affiliate forum is the heart of your Wealthy Affiliate community .  It's where people go to have their questions answered, look for assistance and talk about the most recent trends in internet and affiliate marketing.  We have an Internet success community online that genuinely cares about your own personal achievements within the  Wealthy Affiliate Community.

As  Wealthy Affiliate University grows we become stronger because we work with each other in many ways. Sometimes, it maybe something simple as just showing support for a cause,  like making a comment on someone’s blog or sharing an idea that may shed a different light on a given subject. If some asks you a question that you can’t  answer we do not just make up an answer but perhaps refer the question to our forum. Most often someone with more experience can help.  Quite a few senior participants create all types of beneficial resources for junior members -- contributing new training videos, tutorials, and guides for fellow members to get a hold of.  All of the training  resources are instantly readily available  to everyone members, as opposed to various membership sites when you are getting a "new module" once a week .  I simply want to indicate that this is at the members-only forum.  It's not easy to discover every little thing independently.  Sooner or later in the educational approach you are likely to have an overabundance of questions than answers.  With  WAU , you are more inclined to stick to your desired goals and finally become successful.  For those who have significant questions, you can turn to the community or the forum at  Wealthy Affiliate  to get the solutions to the questions you have.  Sometimes they make clear step-by-step the actual course of action showing how they implemented it to accomplish their successful results.  The folks in our community forum are really quite AWESOME!  We can do this, Let connect and Succeed!           Buddy adds, Welcome!


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