WA Addict

Last Update: May 09, 2012

Internet Marketing is addicting. I joined WA last fall and accomplished a lot for the short time I was able to stay. I can only describe it like learning a new language. When I joined I knew absolutely nothing about IM.  since I have learned a little all I know is how much I have to learn. I understand the key to my success depends on two things. I learned a long time ago that most of lif'e's successes is about simply showing up. The second thing I need to do is take action. Every small success, every simple lesson that I learn is a success.One day it took me all day to figure out why I could not upload pics to Street Articles. It would have taken a lot less time if I had simply asked someone in chat what to do. Eventually my ego allowed me to do just that and I had the answer with in a seconds.  I guess that would be three things for success-Ask for help. My plan of action is to hang around-Show up, take action and ask for help. The joy is in the journey-I don't expect that I will become an overnight success but something I once heard keeps echoing in my head-"People who quit never really know how close they were to success."


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You got that right, I have been doing this for a year now. At first I went crazy with merchants. I have adds on 3 or 4 different sites. I am connected to 4 different social networks and so on. I work full time besides that. I am still having fun but I think I am realizing I need to down size to make this worth my time and focus on only a few things. I have done my own work on my website and I think it's getting better? WA will be the first investment I make when I get a return. If you think I am heading in the right direction or need some guidence I would like to hear from you. Thanks for your time. Eric @ www.thenewshopeasy.com
misshugh Premium
Hi Eric, I took a look at your site and it looks good! I am not an expert on anything and am just getting started myself but thanks for the holler back
Labman_1 Premium
Yup, I'm an addict too.
Carson Premium Plus
Jamie Smith Premium
My name is Jamie, and I too am a WA Addict.
My name is Rhonda, and I, too, am a WA addict,,,,
You are so right about this being addictive! I am loving all the learning, the writing - just the general pushing myself to do a little better each try. And the support has been AWESOME...
Keep on truckin' - like they said in the 70's (oops, give away a little age clue, eh?) Have a great journey, we'll get somewhere that way...
Good luck!