About Misshugh
Joined May 2012
I live in down east Maine. As a matter of fact I am almost as far east as you can go in the United States. It is beautiful here in the spring, summer and fall. I guess, depending on personal preference, winter can be beautiful too. Sitting beside the fireplace watching a nor-ester blow through,( that's a massive snow storm for anyone who isn't sure) is awesome. It's shoveling the three foot snow drifts that's far less appealing, especially come around the end of January. If you're lucky enough to have high school age kids you're apt to spend a good part of the winter sitting on the bleachers cheering for the local basketball team.
Notice my profile pics include some pictures from on top of Cadillac Mountain. That is in Bar Harbor Maine where Acadia National park is located .We don't have too many famous folks in these parts but Martha Stewart does own a home in Bar Harbor. We also have some of the most beautiful beaches in the world. I suppose with all things considered we have earned our motto which says," Maine, the way life should be." It is a good place to live and raise a family. As for me, I enjoy gardening, family and my three dachshunds. I worked in the health care profession for the past twenty- five years as a Med. Tech. I worked mostly in geriatrics and I enjoy spending time with the senior population. I enjoy meeting new people and learning new things and I am excited to begin my journey here at WA!
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bigstevec Premium
hello fellow new englander - i'm in south central vermont and have been all over maine, including bar harbor and yes it is beautiful - nothing like the coast!!! - i'm about done with the snow gig - was fun for a while but shoveling those nor'easters ain't my bag any more - rather be poolside or oceanfront with a laptop doing IM - i'll get there sooner or later
misshugh Premium
Hi there! thanks for stopping by! I have to admit I do love it here, at least for three seasons. You are right there is just nothing like the coast but the west coast is looking better in the winter. I have always meant to visit Vermont in the fall. People say our foliage is beautiful but I have heard that Vermont's is breath taking. Nice to meet you and thanks for stopping by. Best of luck!
garethb Premium
Good to meet you. I have relatives that live in Maine. Been to Lisbon often. My uncle was stationed at the navy base in brunswick. Several relatives live on the west side of the state. Anyway some day I'll come up that direction. Goal is to get to Nova Scotia. MISS the fresh lobster. Enjoyed you sharing your feelings about this business. We all have the same feelings about this so it's good to share. Keep in touch and make a ton of money!!!
misshugh Premium
Beautiful state! I hope you get an opportunity to visit! My dad was from Nova Scotia, I spent many summers visiting Parsboro. Also a beautiful province.Nice to meet you and thanks for stopping by. Best of luck and I hope we all make tons of money!
Hudson Premium
Hi MissHugh, Thanks for the follow,
Have a great Day,
Renni Premium
Thank you for following me, MissHugh! Best of Luck to you!
mama2karsten Premium
Thanks for the follow... You are right that its not an overnight success, but it will come to those who stick with it. There is lots of help in here. Explore the site, check out the tutorials, look at the blogs. There is much to learn. If course, you don't have to know it all to get your site up and running. Good luck.
sparkle1973 Premium
Great advice, love it, thanks!