Instant Gratification?

Last Update: September 17, 2009

Hey, everyone!

Well, I've had a chance to look around the new WA Platinum, and while there are still a few bugs to work out, (to be expected) I'm pretty happy with it. I mean, for the price, you are not going to find anything like this out there.

Could it be improved? Well, that's like saying, can anything be improved. Of course, but I think that they've done a great job, and you know what? They haven't asked us for any more money! When's the last time you had an upgrade to anything without taking out your wallet?

 Those of you that are newer people are going to be confused, and that's OK. Just dig in and read everything you can, and when you run into something you don't understand, just post a question in the forum. You can't expect to learn everything overnight.

Which brings me to the title of this post - instant gratification. I'm not sure what people were expecting with the Platinum upgrade, but it kind of reminds me of when people first join WA, or start marketing online in general. They expect everything to happen overnight, it all to be perfect and to be making 6 figures immediately.

The internet is a fast-paced ever-moving place. What worked yesterday may not work today. Those people that catch on to this will survive and those that are unable to adapt will have trouble keeping up.

Instant gratification cannot replace the hard work that is required to start your internet business. The best gratification is when you look at your Clickbank account and there are actual numbers in there instead of zeros! Shoot for that kind of gratification - no, it's not instant, but it sure feels good when it happens!

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