One Square At A Time

Last Update: February 06, 2010

I'm going to be a Grandma! Yep, pretty exciting stuff, my son & daughter-in-law are expecting in May. So, I decided I would make a quilt for the baby.

 Now, I know you're probably wondering what the heck does that have to do with Internet Marketing? Stay with me, it will all make sense.

I'm sure you've all seen quilts and can appreciate the amount of work involved in making one, so when I first came up with this crazy idea, I wondered how I was going to find the time. I mean, there's a time limit here - the baby's not going to wait to be born until I'm done! lol

Quilts are made from little squares of fabric. Many different types of fabric. So one day (my only day off BTW), I went shopping and bought all the required materials.

The next day, I washed and pressed the fabric. A couple of days later, I started cutting some of the squares. Over the next week, each night I would cut a couple more squares. Before I knew it, all the squares were cut and ready.

Now it was time for assembly. It almost seems overwhelming to see a huge stack of squares and think that they could somehow turn into a large blanket. But again, each day I would sew a few together and after a few weeks, I had a completed quilt top. I then put the top, batting & backing together and am now hand quilting it.

 I look at this beautiful quilt now and cannot even believe that I have gotten this far. So how does this relate to Internet Marketing?

Well, the shopping & picking of the fabrics are kind of like choosing a niche. The washing & pressing and preparation of the fabrics are like doing all the research. The work of cutting the squares is tedious, but necessary, kind of like writing articles or backlinking.

Seeing your finished website or Squidoo lens for the first time is like seeing that quilt top. It almost seems miraculous! Something that you created and it's actually pretty cool.

Doing the hand quilting is like updating your site by adding more content. Then, you can keep doing it over & over. Built more sites, make more quilts.

OK, I know some of you men out there are saying UG! What's all this talk about sewing? Fine. Here's another example - my sister and her husband built their beautiful log house almost entirely by themselves, log by log. If they had thought about how monumentally huge that was when they started it, they may not have even started.

At some point you step back and wonder how you managed to get it all done. You get it done square by square, log by log and article by article. Every one of the steps is important and you can't skip any of them. But if you just take it one square at a time - you'll eventually get there.


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Clay Mac Premium
That's a nice analogy, good job!