Thank You WA

Last Update: August 18, 2012
A few days ago I mentioned in a blog about how I thought it would be a good idea if there was an area in WA where we could present our websites for review, constructive criticism, and advice. In that blog post I made an example of myself and posted links to my work. I've said it before and here I go again, but WA is the most supportive site on the web of it's kind. There were several people who responded to that post and I feel it neccessary to express my gratitude. Their input was well recieved and I can only hope that their tips were effectively executed but alas... I'll let you decide.

This link is obviously available for anyone interested, but intended for those who took the time to respond to my previous post. Your advice is priceless and I thank you.

-- Mr. Niceguy

The new and improved
(much prettier and more functional but still in development)
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georgejhaas Premium
Mr. Niceguy, I reviewed your site and the colors look good. However, to me at least, the main pictures in the header are blurry. This makes it confusing to me. I suggest that you have nice crisp pictures on your home page. The pictures should match with your niche. First time visitors will be able to associate the pictures with your site. I would also suggest that you place pictures of the products you are reviewing or selling in the header. Or, pictures of people riding them. Just a thought. Good luck!
Mr.Niceguy Premium
Okay, you're the second person that found the image confusing. It's a picture of a bunch of people riding bikes. I guess I'll have to find a different picture or at least play around with that one. The original photo wasn't blurry, I skewed it and felt it gave the image a sense of "speed". Well, back to the drawing board. Thanks for the input :-)
Renni Premium
Looks like your site is coming along nicely. Nice theme altho not sure what the cars in the lot have to do with bikes. New header maybe? I'm no expert, just what hit me when I got to the site. So far, so good otherwise! :)
Mr.Niceguy Premium
Haha, those aren't cars, they're cyclists in the Tour de France. It was a free photo and it didn't fit the header space as it was so I stretched it. I didn't think the image was difficult to make out, but then again that's why someone else's point of view is so helpful. Thanks:)
Renni Premium
I have to laugh at that! See what happens when you try to stretch an image...would love to see the real image. Why not take it back down to the correct size and combine it with a second box with your logo or something. Just a thought.
Mr.Niceguy Premium
I really wish I knew how to do all that. It was a challenge getting the first pic into the header space. I actually had to change themes a couple times to find one that would accept the pic. I've since changed the theme again(and the image) and I gotta admit, it does look a lot more relavant. I'm happy with it =D
Renni Premium
Way more relevant! And makes a lot more sense as the video is all about the topic! Nice Job! :) Remind me when you get your blog rolling and I will comment for you.
Mr.Niceguy Premium
You bet ;-)
Adrian66 Premium
Welldone once again, looks fantastic, yeah WA is a great place to be, the support is just amazing. So great work once again, talk soon, Adrian.