Last Update: July 07, 2010

Hey fellow WAers,

Just thought I would share a nice moment of my life with you all.  I am an avid golfer, and play very often.  I have played the game for over 25 years, and finally, FINALLY got my 1st ever hole in one yesterday 6-6-2010.  The best part about it is that I was with my brother and 2 other close friends that I have been golfing with since I was a kid.  Not to mention, it was on a 260 yard par 4!  Needless to say I have a hole in one hangover today, but would not change it for the world.   Now I just need to get a hole in one with my IM career and things would be even better.



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muskyblood Premium
Thanks for the comment Andy! You are right. It is hard to see how far you have come when you are doing something every day. It is when you stop and take a look at where you are compared to where you were when you begun that you notice. IM is definitely no different.
andys43us Premium
You know Josh, this is the thing about mastery. You just keep on doing and doing and you never really stop think about how much better you are getting at it. And that is why it is much easier to master things that you enjoy. IM is no different. If you make it fun for yourself, you will be surprised at how much better you are getting at it everyday.