How Bad Do You Want Success?

Last Update: August 16, 2012
How Bad Do You Want Success? This Is Awesome!
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Shawn Martin Premium
Words of wisdom for sure.
mama2karsten Premium
nice video... inspirational.
Stormy1990 Premium
Wow. This video is awesome!
BIS Premium
Thanks for for sharing this.

The central message of how bad do you want it and want sacrifices you may need to make to get it was very interesting and relevant to any context.

I also found it interesting because I found it quite difficult to watch and listen to. I didn't like the music and I was irritated by the speed of which the message came out in the film - which is a real reminder of how difficult it can be to get your message across to different audiences. I read a lot of the comments afterwards and clearly a lot of people found it inspiring.
muskyblood Premium
Hey BIS,

I did not have any issues with the music or speed, I just really enjoyed the message. For me, it really hits home because I talk about getting where I want to be, but how bad do I want it? How much am I willing to sacrifice? These are things everyone can relate to, and I just found it to be very telling, whether it is IM, MLM, golf, you name it.

Thanks for chiming in, I enjoy your input on everything here at WA!