No Time For Action

Last Update: May 09, 2010

Days go by, and I find that I have hardly any time for taking action.  I spend all of my time reading and participating in the forum.  I have taken a lot of action in the past but have yet to make any sales.  I guess I have kind of lost some of the exciting hope I once had that I could make this work.

I have been reading a lot in the forum.  There are some interesting threads no doubt.  Seems like a lot of people have been questioning if IM can work for them or not.  I can honestly say that I have been one of those people.  Here is why.   I have 2 young children (both under 2, I work about 35 hours a week as a machinist and quite frankly I just do not have a lot of time to devote.

Just when it seems I have a pretty good grasp, I take action.  I always think that my next effort is going to be the one that gets me that elusive first sale.  It just never seems to work out that way.  

I seem to feel more stuck now than ever, and I have tried the whole "take a step back" approach.  I take a few days off, come back, take some action, and nothing.  Maybe I am picking the wrong niches, wrong keywords, wrong something, I don't know.

Well, I don't want to write a book here or vent to much.  Just thought Id try doing a short blog post to get some of my thoughts out there.  I really think I need to find more time somehow for action.....  Hope everyone is having a terrific weekend!



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jatdebeaune Premium
Hi Josh, When you feel blocked, it may be a good time to consult with someone via PM. Have one of the real pros evaluate what you are doing. I'm sure you will get the right advice.