Why PPC Why!

Last Update: April 18, 2010

This is where I am at with my Wa sites to promote WA through PPC.  I presently have 12 to 15 sites up and running with good CTR's and for right now a break even ROI.  I am feeling pretty good right now I am going in the right direction and with the help of Marcus, Kyle, and Carson I am going to fire my boss and live the dream I wanted to. 

Then we have the day that PPC get a hair up their a** and decides that my sites for review have a low quality score.  This knocked out about half of my campaigns put them right on hold with  PPC not even bothering to show them any more.  WTF.

With a little guidance  from Marcus he told me to redo my sites with a different Domain Name.  This really sucks because I have a lot of them and it probably is going to take me all day.  Guess what I did it and I was right it took me about 6 hours to get them up running and back in action.

Marcus was right at the present time it has fixed my problem with those idiots at PPC I promise to keep you all posted with how this turns out.  I as well have gotten a call from somebody with a possible resolution to PPC to delete them as well.  I will keep you notified of this also.

I guess the moral to the story is that PPC kicked me right in the rear and then I had a support talk with Marcus and he told me how to punch back and hopefully with a knock out.  Anyone who doubts this website you are a fool, any one who doubts the expertise of Kyle Carson or Marcus you are as well.  These guys have bailed me out time and time again.  They are the best more to come later I guess this is a blog hanger.

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vince8151 Premium
Hi Jayme,

I happen to see your blog and I'll give you my opinion. I have a couple of years PPC experience.

#1: Any of your slapped campaigns must be deleted. If you just pause them, Adwords will hold it against you. Your info will remain for you to see, stats etc....

#2: Using content that was slapped on a new domain will be a temporary fix and this will get you banned from Adwords as soon as they figure it out.

Could happen today, could happen in 2 months but I assure you, you will be banned.

Even though you see people doing this when you are researching ads, in my opinion, those people are lucky and as soon as a human reviews their account, they too will get banned.

Don't believe the Google sucks rhetoric. Adwords is important as you already know.

If your content copies or mimics other sites and doesn't offer for lack of a better term, value added information above and beyond the merchant you are affiliating with, you will be slapped and soon banned.

Adword training not updated since July of 2009 is OUTDATED as far as content is concerned. Everything is ok.

This is easy to understand when you look at it through the eyes of Google.
The only thing they are successful at and make money at is search marketing. Everything else they do fails profit wise.

So they are protecting their advertising business and have banned thousands of accounts over the past 10 months.

I always error on the side of caution when dealing with Adwords because no matter what you here, Adwords will out pull Yahoo and Bing at least 10 to 1 if not more.

Once your banned, the only way to get another account is with a new cc, name, address, phone number, new IP and maybe a new computer. Who knows what Google knows about each of us.

Good Luck,
newwave1972 Premium
There might be something I am investigating a new group that is offering a flat rate price to rent top position on all search engines. As long as the rent for that position isn't more than I am spending with G who cares it is a tax write off anyway. HaHa.
sox1n05 Premium
Yeah Google is out of control sometimes, but they are a necessary evil though. It's ridiculous, but what are we going to do? It's nice to see that you jumped right in and fixed everything - nice work!
Marcus Premium
Hey Jayme,

You're an action taker buddy!!

Listen...you're not alone in suffering the way you did, and to be honest with you it's still very much a guessing game with Google.

However, the rewards of getting on the right side of G are great, and although the options we discussed were intense given your situation, we sometimes have to do these things to get back on track.

You have the right mindset, and with a little bit of luck and more of that determination, you'll get to where you deserve to be!

Keep up the great work ;)
