1 Yr @ WA This is why I am Staying

Last Update: July 11, 2010

Hello all WA members new and old.  If you do not know me my name is Jayme Kennerknecht and I am a member of Wealthy Affiliate for 1 yr now.  I recently just took a small break from WA, the reason was to sit back and look at what I have accomplished throughout the year and to see if I could expand on this venture of WA.  I put my heart and soul into Internet Marketing and this is what I found out.

 1)  If you just learn and do not act on what you have learned then you will never make money.  It is like learning how to work in a factory and just not showing up to get the paycheck.

 2)  Once you stop learning you almost guaranteed to be dead in the water and your earning potential is history.  (Always be looking for a new way to make money for you or for your future.)

3)  I have done some hunting for the past month just to expand upon my WA review sites.  I have even joined a new membership or two to compare to WA maybe to leave and be that flea I empathize so much.  Not going to happen if you leave it will be the biggest mistake of your IM career and you will fail, there is no other Guru site or self proclaimed millionaire that will help you like Kyle and Carson.

 4)  I have decided to start small and with Article Marketing like I should have in the first place.  I got greedy and impatient lost site of relevancy and blew about $400 on the idiots at Google, the only one who made money was the big G.  That will not happen again, I will be focused on relevancy and only grow when I can do it in a controlled rate.  Then run like the wind on "autopilot"

5)  (Kyle and Carson are going to love this one)  I have decided finally to be a full time Wealthy Affiliate and make most of my money from promoting the products and services involved right here because without a doubt you guys, gals, and gurus are the core and future of Affiliate Marketing once you realize it it is all down hill from there. The only thing you have left to do is to realize that time is money and you as an Internet Marketer have neither so let's do it yesterday and lets be ahead of the game tomorrow.

Thank you to all who have helped me in the past year and I will be returning the favor soon as I get back rolling again. 

Be Relevant;

Jayme Kennerknecht( Super Affiliate)

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reg55 Premium
Learning from our mistakes and still move forward is the biggest thing that you and us can do... Sharing what you have learned will reward you 10 fold... Myself being new to W.A. only a month into it,and my head is still spinning... I been trying to make a living online for the last 2 1/2 yrs,and gotten maybe a small trickle fro selling on eBay & half.com. Which I enjoy the part of selling Use Books a lot... I'm not looking to get rich I just want a nice income and live the life I want with no worries... I tried affiliate marketing and made not one thin dime... Yes I just started, and I need to keep studying at the training center. Even if I don't understand it sometimes I need to reread the material 2 or 3 times until it is instilled in my brain... Wow did I get off, sorry but I think you moved me... So many thanks Jayme, I'm with you and hope you are with me...Reg55
Tamarind Premium
Thanks for writing this, it's very helpful for a newbie like me.
iFaith Premium
Great post - 1 year WA evaluation, Jayme. We can only move forward when we take stock of where we are and how to get to where we want to be - and then take immediate action toward that goal. Good job! Here's to your second year with WA - may it be just as illuminating and with more dollar signs coming your way.
erussell Premium
Sounds like you're going to give it your all Jayme, I wish you luck!
Jamie Smith Premium
Cheers Jayme, congrats on your 1year. I am celebrating my 9months today. One of the best choices I have ever made during my career by far! Great to have you in the WA family.