Posts by Not2Late 12
Oh where, oh where has my little lens gone? Oh where, oh where can it be? I found it this morning with keywords so long, But now it is hiding from me.   I think I know where my lens has gone wrong. I think I know where it be. The search was cut short, my lens got the gong. Google just took it from me.   EVOLUTION OF A SALE - My Lucky Charm
Some of you didn't like my blog this morning.  You took it as bashing.   So to anyone who thinks I'm bashing a newbie, hell no.  I am a newbie myself - I've only been here a couple of months. I wouldn't bash anyone on a first or last lens or article because mine are far from perfect.  FAR. If anything folks, I'm loyal to all that work hard to make a living - whether in internet marketing or otherwise. So... I will offer a deeper explanation.... It was obvious to me that th
I'm fuming.  I work hard at IM every single day and they are long days, this is my job.  I take it seriously just like most everyone here. Pardon my fury...   Beware the S.O.B sleazebag, article and page-slapper-upper marketers that give the rest of us a bad reputation. I did my keyword research.  I nailed a niche that hasn't been scratched yet.  I felt lucky(ish).  I lined everything up.  Ready to write, ready to rock n roll and thought.. I'll just check
  Evolution of a Sale - My Lucky Charm
I am dedicating this post to all of us who are afflicted with any of the ADD types... mine in particular = Adult Attention Deficit Disorder/Inattentive a/k/a ADHD-PI  And I am responding to the heartache that Caitenmj is feeling because it is so very difficult to get past any type of ADD especially when medication isn't an option.  Or even when it is. Internet Marketing.. when we are on our own and learning in this type environment with no voices, no faces, no ability to ask a questio
But. But. But.  I just made my second sale.  Same story.  Logged on to ClickBank to do a little research.  Never thinking for a minute that sale #2 would be staring me in the face. Happy Dance Happy Dance Happy Dance. It's working.  It's working.  It's working. It's a boatload of work.  It really is.  But I love it.  and IT'S WORKING. Okay, enough.  I'm going to bed.  I hope I can sleep.   Is it possible, really possible, that I could b
So I was whining last week about being paralyzed and unable to crank out multiple articles.  And I forced myself to work around my ADD tendencies.  (For any of you who have a confirmed diagnosis of adult ADD, like I do, you will understand precisely what I mean.)  I started a new campaign and followed EOS and my WA training to the absolute letter.  I really dug way down and grabbed amazing keywords... all of them within the proper boundaries..yadda yadda..  I cranked out
It is 72 glorious degrees here in formerly rainy/snowy New England.  Yippee Hooray, it's the first official day of Spring!!  So, some of you know that I was in total paralysis the other day.  I'm cured.  I'm out.  I have returned to IM civilization and I cranked out 6 articles in the last 24 hours.  That's a record for me.  The one who took 3 days to write a single 400 word article.   Paralysis no more!!!   I have to thank my make-believe adopted
I  have wasted 3 days.  Okay, so maybe I didn't TOTALLY waste them if I've finally realized how dreadfully off-track I am.   I am a perfectionist.  This is not a good thing if I want to be a successful internet marketer.  THIS IS NOT A GOOD THING. In my former life, my perfectionist tendencies were indeed a good thing.  I had to write policies and procedures as part of my job.  I documented process.  Every little thing, every sentence, every implication h
Holy Moly. I almost fell off my chair. I logged into Clickbank to check out a stat on a vendor that I want to promote.  And there it was.  A sale. An actual, recorded, bona fide sale.  My heart started to pound, I kid you not.  It was like being sixteen and meeting a cute boy all over again.  Butterflies.  Giggles.  A loud Holy Moly went flying out of my office. My very first sale and on my WA One Month Anniversary.  Yes indeed, one month ago today was th