*&%$% Why IMers have a bad reputation

Last Update: April 10, 2010

I'm fuming.  I work hard at IM every single day and they are long days, this is my job.  I take it seriously just like most everyone here.

Pardon my fury...   Beware the S.O.B sleazebag, article and page-slapper-upper marketers that give the rest of us a bad reputation.

I did my keyword research.  I nailed a niche that hasn't been scratched yet.  I felt lucky(ish).  I lined everything up.  Ready to write, ready to rock n roll and thought.. I'll just check one more time and see if anyone else put up a lens or site yet - I need to move on this because others will catch the wave.

I'm okay with others catching the wave... it's a big, big pond with a million fish.  Some after the same bait, some not.  HOWEVER.

I'm not gonna publish the lens url of the offender.  I'm not that much of a sh*thead.  I won't even say what the niche is.  Let me tell you... if I were the e-book author and I could get my hands on the person that wrote the grammatically horrific, drunken-sounding, content empty spiel on what could be a great product... well..well..well... I'm not a violent person but I felt like throwing a good punch.

My point is... there are good marketers, with good skills, and good intentions and there are some that are a big, fat embarrassment.  Let us all be the good ones and hopefully rise above some of the really nasty crap out there. 

Lesson learned:  After you check to see that there are no sites or lenses or blogs that are in the top results... check AGAIN.   



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Not2Late Premium
thanks all of you - for the encouragement. Indeed I AM going to continue with this niche. I cannot imagine a single soul wanting to purchase the product based upon the literary non-achievements of that particular marketer! I am going to make this a rockin' campaign and if it doesn't convert, oh well. I will learn A LOT.
Cheers :)
andys43us Premium
You are right. You know that's what makes WA stand above the rest of IM communities. Here people are actually taught to give value and quality content to their readers. Other forums and communities teach a lot of things - SEO, PPC etc. etc. But no one actually tells people to provide quality and be ethical. I guess that's why this is the best place to learn.
jatdebeaune Premium
Are you still going to promote that niche? Or do you think the sleazy marketer has ruined it? That's terrible. Maybe you should write the e-book author. I know what you mean about bad copy and it is embarrassing and it does ruin it for sincere marketers.
Jamie Smith Premium
well said, SERIOUS props to all of you worldwide that do IM business right!!
kadcpp Premium
Good advice! Sorry but this will happen as frustrating as it is. Can you take the High Road of quality of content and honesty to overcome what is obviously someone in it for the fast buck?
Remember a lot of people will not fall for a site that has a lot of errors and little research. I hate to see you waste your work, I have recently come across this and stated what you will not find here giving examples of the bad site. Give it a try and see I am still to new to now for sure but it sounds like most of the work is already done.
