Posts by Old Mizer 27
Are you an NFL fan?  I know many are.  The Season has begun.  Maybe the local television channel is not showing a game with the team you want to watch.  You don't have cable or satellite television and cannot watch Monday Night Football without going to the local bar.  Because it's only on ESPN. I have some great news for you!  You have access right in front of you! You will have to download a media player like VShare or Stream Torrent.  You can do so and not w
September 07, 2010
Welcome to Wealthy Affiliate! This is a big place to become a part of.  There is as much information here as a large, public library in a big metropolitan city.  At least it appears that way when you first step in the doors.  I am sure you were welcomed by many of the members.  After the first day is over, all the shaking of hands along with all the introductions comes to a quiet pause.  You feel a sigh of relief, kick your feet up and have a cold drink.  Knowing
September 02, 2010
I remember watching a television show as a child. It was called the 20th Century hosted by one of the most popular news anchors of his time. WalterCronkite. If you are of a different generation, here is a small clip of the show that Walter hosted every week.Black and White TV? That is correct. Color television was only a dream back in those days which many thoughtthey would never see in their lifetime. While many could not afford tobuy this new technology. So they depended on radio, newsp
September 01, 2010
Bad eggs AND a Fake "Food Safety" Bill a coincidence? We don't think so! S.510 Push Back: Act Now! Act Here: Viral Video: Dr. Rima on Stopping S.510 Senate Bill S.510 is called 'The Food Safety Bill'. It should be called 'The Food Monopoly Bill'. You see it will require all farms to purchase and use high-tech eq
August 25, 2010
I am really having a hard time understanding what all the prejudice about electronic cigarettes is about. The FDA cannot come up with anything valid that shows they are harmful. With the exception that we know many on the board of the FDA are highly invested in the tobacco industry. So it is killing their piggy bank. I thought that was the advantage that the online audience has over the majority. You can learn and read about research that the mainstream media is not allowed to inform their a
August 10, 2010
I have been here about 15 weeks and working very hard at all this.  I was so overwhelmed, like everyone is when they start here.  You know the feeling.  Read this, read that, ...skip over to here, ...try THIS!  I was pulling my hair out after the first month! I thought, "You know?  If I could just watch someone on a video go through the steps of setting up a campaign and getting it out there online.  I might feel like I actually accomplished something and all
Not the best video with all the watermarks in the corners. I still think it has the best audio of all I have come across. The message is simple, ...keep the Faith.Even when we are frustrated and feel like the bottom is just a hair away from crashing into it. We must be strong. Let our failures show us the way to progress and success Remember, ....He Watches Over Us. Make Him Proud.
July 21, 2010
One might even say you are a Merchandiser.  There to make sure your product is attractive and will catch the eye of any customer walking by it.  The only difference here is that merchandisers work on one product that their company sells.  Nothing else. I have read articles in the forum from members saying that their CTR has been good but they have not seen any sales yet.  Which is where this analogy will come into play.  My first question would be, "Are you playing
1 comment
July 15, 2010
Statists constantly tell us that we need a huge government to protect us from business monopolies.  What they fail to notice is that The State is the biggest and worst of them all, as well as a major reason why some companies grow so monstrously large. Just consider the recent economic crisis.  The politicians have raged against the banks, but government bailouts, regulations, and shot-gun mergers, have caused the banking industry to become more concentrated rather than less.  Thi
July 12, 2010
Time to get away from the keyword tools, the articles and websites for 20 minutes. So sit back, take a deep breath and have a cold drink while we go "Jaywalking".For those who may have thought the last blog was a little on the serious side, here is the truth. Let's see how much the citizens in the United States know about their Country and it's history. Okay.... so there are a lot of you out there that never particularly cared for History. I know it was never my favorite subject or