About Onefineham
Joined January 2009
My name is Barry. I've long believed in the potential of internet marketing but despite several attempts have yet to successfully acheive it. I got turned on to wealthy affiliate from an affiliate program I had joined and I have to admit, there is a lot of good stuff here.
My goal is to make enough in internet marketing on a consistent basis so I can spend more time enjoying participation in local theatre groups and performing arts classes.
I should add that I am doing really well thanks to advice from several amazing contributors at Wealthy Affiliate. See my buddy list for their info.
I've been a wealthy affiliate for just over a year now and make a modest income for my efforts. I hope this year brings even more growth - both to my earnings prospects and personal growth. Last year was great, this year will be even better. I am very glad I joined WA - I never would have made it this far without the help and resources I had access to here.

2010 Comes and Goes
Wow, it's taken some time but I'm definitely seeing the light and some results. I am so pleased with how Wealthy Affiliate keeps getting better and better for members. Here's looking forward to an even better 2011!

BANG! Welcome to 2011
2011 Has gotten off to a GREAT START! The work I did at the end of 2010 really has paid off. Visit my blog page to see all the latest:
Onefineham's Accomplishments

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Hey Barry, thanks for adding me. Was wondering if you know any extremely helpful folks here who have the time and know how to give me tips on how to start getting more and more traffic through my article marketing endeavors? and not to mention better rankings on my articles themselves?

I'm trying most everything that's on the resources here at WA and maybe I haven't given it enough time but stuff seems to be a little slow at the moment.
onefineham Premium
Go into the forum and start out under the "General Discussion" board and read the topic "Post #1000 by Potpiegirl" without question a great place to start. Start there and then come back w. questions. I have a few hundred articles under my belt and can be of some help.
Hazie Premium
Sounds like you're making steady progress - very good in these times.
onefineham Premium
Thanks. Things have been going pretty well and I aim to keep up the momentum!
Jamie Smith Premium
Welcome to the WA family
Ezinewriter Premium
Hello Barry, You made a good choice in joining. Hope you'll enjoy. Welcome.
onefineham Premium
When I buddied you I had no idea how high up the member list you were. I just knew I'd read a TON of your stuff!

Thanks for sharing so much.
lrh1966 Premium
hi and welcome to WA, hope to hear from you soon..Lloyd.
onefineham Premium
Hi Back! I see you've been a member since Feb '08. How has the last year progressed for you?